chaos!....once again

Listening to: the television
Feeling: headachy
hey hey.....y'all won't probably be reading this till tomorrow or something anyways...... ahhh chaos.....once again.(hint hint name!) don't want to get into details so yea....this is gonna be short cause my head REALLY HURTS!!!! i have a major headache that WON'T go AWAY!!!! ahhh HELP ME!!! ....even though there is nothing you can do but AHHH! well ummz.... had spanish test today. i believe i failed like always! ahh why can't i be smart i wish i was smart!! i try and i try but ahh i think i have a short attention spane i SWEAR i do!!! cause i can never concentrate in school! like American History!! right neen.....:p holy shit i need to pay attention in that class more! it's hard though! miriah we all miss you!!! ok im done gonna go ttyl byebye love always, Bailie p.s. sorry it is longer than i planned it to be!
Read 5 comments
yeahh! stupid drama! but that sucks that u feel headachy! haha! and u are to smart! so shut up and dont talk that way about urself! lol! ahh i hardly doubt that u all miss me bcuz i dont get to see u all that much anyway! but thanks :D! well i like ur long entrys so yeah! haha! love ya! ...miriah aka mrz
that ducks that you had a headache!!! :S oh the drama........!its crazy and mostly my fault but still crazy! im gonna go! luv yas
i like your new background..
your smarter than you think you are. and im pretty sure all your friends agree with me! haha
i like the new colors! sorry bout the drama and the headache! omg can u believe it missy had her baby! its a boy!=D yay! ttul luv yas ~Neen~