
i chnage dthe font in the diary becasue some people are sayign that there are weird letters everywhere but i cant see them lol so i hope this helps the new chapter will be a while i have no clue what is gonna happen next it will be up asap thanks ofr readign everyone and leave a comment i love reading them it gives me energy to write another chpater lol thanks again....keep on reading lol ~Stephanie
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UPDATE!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm nothing...Kari
im so glad the diary is up and running again! now you can update cause im dying to know what happens next esp. whats wrong with hil! well update soon!
dec2:the fonts still kinda screwey, ty puttin it back to tha one from the first bunch of chapterz
This is an awesome story! some parts are bit unrealistic(as mentioned before) but I love it! it`s really suspenceful..i like that