Hadyn walked through the darkness too the small spark she went to as a kid. She walked over to the swings and sat down remembering the times when Bridgett and Hadyn loved each other like sisters should. Hadyn remembered the time when their mom finally let them go to the park by themselves. Bridgett didn't let go of Hadyn's hand because she didn't want to lose her. When they were at the park Hadyn fell off the swing and Bridgett carried her home. Thinking of that memory made the tears start to pour from Hadyn's eyes. Back at home Hadyn's mother was crying, thinking that she lost her daughter. Bridgett, sick of hearing her mother wine about her younger sister, walked to her room. On the way she passed Hadyn's room. With a sneaky look on her face, Bridgett crept into Hadyn's room and started rummaging around trying to find something to use against her. Then she found it. A binder that had band logos and clothing tags pasted all over it and had the words 'Keep Out, Hadyn's Personal Shit' in big letters on it. Bridgett opened the binder and flipped through a couple pages until she saw a heart with the word 'Jake' inside it. Bridgett giggled and put the binder back where she found it and crept into her own room. Hadyn was still on the swings sobbing, thinking how much she hated her life. Finally hours later she got off the swings and walked home. She reached for the handle and attempted to push her door open but it was locked. "Great..." Hadyn mumbled to herself as she walked around the side of her house. She went to her window and slid it open. Hadyn climbed through the window and her mother was standing there, arms folded and she had her pink house coat on. "You are in a load of trouble Hadyn!" said her mother as Hadyn left her room and headed for the bathroom. "You don't walk away from me like that! Hey I'm talking to you. Why don't you ever listen to me?" nagged her mother and she followed her daughter to the bathroom. Hadyn slammed the door and locked it. Her mother was still screaming from the other side of the door. Hadyn sat on the counter waiting for her mother to give up and go to bed. Finally after about an hour of trying to get her to unlock the door, Hadyn's mother went to bed. Hadyn was unlocked the door and went to her own little sanctuary. She went to her backpack and took her binder out. She plopped down on her bed and wrote the words that went through her head. Hadyn was cherishing the silence that she heard. The only time today she heard nothing but her own breathing and the hymn of her computer. That is until she heard the sounds of raunchiness in the next room. It was her sister and her weekly special. Bridgett couldn't go more then a few days without having a guy get on top of her. Hadyn changed into her pajamas and climbed into bed. Through the cheep walls she could hear he sister moaning, which almost made Hadyn sick. Every time she heard this she wondered why her parents had to have the only bedroom upstairs. The happiest day of Hadyn's life (other then the day she dies) would be when her mother catches Bridgett. Like that would ever happen though.
Help me find my sweet suicide...Kari