Permanent means forever

Listening to: Wolfe Tones
Feeling: alienated
I went to the dentist the other day. They put in a permanent retainer....fuck. I didn't know they were gonna put one in until I was sitting in the chair....god dammit. I have athletes foot too. I'm just sexy right now for real. Bleh Band practice something gonna get done? doubt it, but i will waste the Saturday away anyways. Punk Rock Night is having a metal night...what the fuck. Everything is pissing me off....i don't understand some things....what bullshit. St. Patricks Day is soon. Man, the weekend after, time to get fucking sloshed beyond reason. No thinking, just drinking. Yes, that shall be it EDIT I already broke the fucking retainer. How does something not outlast a brownie...fucking tarded. Band practice today, and again...another waster of a saturday i could have spent watching cartoons or masturbating. Colin did get his head for his half stack, that's groovy i guess.
Read 28 comments
how to skank? Whats the band name I'll ask him about it.
haha no i wouldnt have. you should have said hello.i get to go leave for new york in 5 days!
i saw you driving
St. Mary's wants to put it in my rear. I cant wait
actually, i'd fuck you.

you don't have any power, jerk. i do..because i'm awesommmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee. and i own you in soccer =)
guess who i'm talk to on the phone? YAH YOU. but this chick before your entry thing, is fucking hott. i'd fuck her. for sure.
Don't worry about wasting time, I do it alot when I'm working. Well that & killing time to make the day go by faster.

Wow, you're as hott as they come with everything smacking you like a ton of bricks >:D Retainer hehehehe.

St. Patrick's Day is gonna kick ass.
suck it!
Dude, I can't even believe you know my BC. He was talking about how you were cool and stuff. Yeah, he said you only know him by Negro Supreme. His name is actually Chris. haha
haha aww too bad !
dewd Ryan, yew are lyk tha hawtest boi I evar sawled, wil yew go owt wid me?

comint me bayk
* lip glaws kisezz *

Luff, lil'PP
goddamn brownies...

Yeah, he knows you. haha.
myspace is just a million trillion times better and i never come on here cause myspace is soo much better..u don't even have to keep up on there u can forget about this thing and do stuff on there..the ppl are awesome too

kk just a suggestion..sorry u can't keep up w.e tho loL

luvs ya lata

hey i have a permanent retainer too!

actually i have two, one on top, one on bottom.
it hurts my tounge a lot lol.
Yeah hes one of my good friends. I'm talking to him right now
Oh yeah. Thats him... Bc is a retard
roll up to fishers...haha go ahead. carmel kids are too rich for their own good anyway so rock on. haha
ahh. Funness. Other than that, was the weekend any good?
That sucks majorly dude. Did you just get braces off or something?
Sexy fo' real. Athletes foot is always hot as hell. haha. How do you break a perminant retainer in one day?
long time no talk..

Do u have myspace?
yeah the permanent retainer thing sucks. mine was killing me for the first month or so, and it would always cut my tongue. now its just annoying. and forever is a long time.
i got braces on my bottom jaw the other day and they fucking kill... i can't even brush my teeth with out my whole face hurting...

p.s. if you hadn't said anything about the athletes foot... no one would have noticed... lol j/k

happy st pattys day kidd.... TORi*
a metal show at a punk rock show? oxymorons.... XD
dentists are like the god of all evil. lol
this is true.
i had mine for a week and it broke though... i was chewing on something hard.
i dont know.


and by the way... athletes foot?


considering i have probably the biggest foot phobia ever.

thats hot.