2 shows 2 days

Feeling: powerful
okkkkkkay so i've been nagged at the update so here it goes. I've been called a whore a few times in the past few days. Do you all think i'm a whore? i dunno if you all say so. anyways yesterday we played steven's party....fucking amazing...the whole thing was fucking amazing, the people the playing, everything. so yeah that was cool. we are noe planning a house destruction show, just need to find a house. anyways we set up on kelly's back deck a few days ago...that was bad. we sucked majorly but that's okay because we just threw shit together and played....but man playing The Clash is fun....Joe Strummer= the shit. so yeah uhh what else.....shit i dunno i'm done later kids
Read 34 comments
we are pretty sexy
okay okay, i forgive you.
It's Sarah. I saw that you were on, so I just wanted to stop by and say hello! It is almost midnight, but I can't sleep now. What's up with you? Doin some music stuff with your band or whatever, huh?! Cool..cool....
Well, later!
Sank ya fo yo comment, Mister! Well, nighty-night. I am going to bed very soon...
yeah that sexy makemescream is my best fucking friend, rock on
shes the hometown hero back here in MI
shes a demon in the sac... quite a screamer ;)
yeah i can ... but you should see us together ;) ow ow // its ammmazing
our videos go platinum
uuuuuhhhhhhhhh WOW excuse me sir. what a rotten thing to say bastard.
awesome, yo 8-)
if only agent m would comment to us....life would be 300 x better.......dayum
i'm just letting u know that i switched diaries from lipsxsewnxshut to this so.. if u wanna add me. yeah, alright i'll ttyl
i dont know how guys can be whores, maybe dirty, but not whores. when are we gonna get our chill on?
your hair is amazing in the top left picture. :) you look pretty cool too.. you're in a band? whats the name of it?

keep it rad -erin
blah blah ryan is a dirty whore blah

its the ANGER that counts, whew im all hott and bothered ;)
What do you play
That's cool, what kind of music do you play
wow. dont be hostile
i was just kidding trying to make friendly conversaton :(
and i love punk music too : ) and my name is lauren and i look like a hotass in skirts .. haha
im glad we're on a better note- i love boys in bands ;)
anger turns me on .. screamo gets me all hott <3
it'll do.

no anger is hott- no joke
and your in a band .... im creamin
certainly.. and to think- you yelled at me because i like emo
that was me to trying to say hi- not thinking i'd get bitched at
when i saw you, i thought hmm.. whore.
HA! never said i enjoy it, just like doing it.