lol good. i was about to jump you and make mad monkey love with you all night long. but...maybe later. lol. see ya! dude oh man i went to the show tonight and i am so glad i did. ok well i just said all that shit in my entry. but ok. bye!
lol still count me in for the death sex...

lol yea i go to them alot but lately i just didnt feel up to it cuz its usually so repetetive. plus no good bands were really playing and now there is 6 good bands playing in a period of 3 days. so schwing!
can there be like.. whipped cream involbved in that?
hahahah okay, well..... i don't really have a comeback for that.
aww sweet. i love shows so much. i dont see how i went so long without going to one. it must have been a month, at least.

hope everything goes well

!!! YOU WANNA MESS?! haha jk. I know they probably will win, because, well, they're good. but it's just like the Yankees.. I mean.. the Yanks are amazing but I hate them anyways. I dno.. I just think the Eagles deserve to win.
dude i hate the pats so much. i would want anyone in the world to beat their asses.
haha thats funny
Im glad that youll be looking forward to it. Ill be glad to comply. Hahaha

Yeah, it was really good. There is another one tonight and yet another tomorrow night!! Hooray!!
so. eagles or patriots? or not a fan of team sports?

[ evelyn ]
hell yea bitch.
sweet, i'm in...hey arent you that one kid.
nice... not you ryan, my friend in new york ryan... i could see that being creepy though... don't worry i'm not stalker-ish and crazy... well maybe a bit crazy...but def not stalker-ish.... ~TORi*

mmmmm kinky

lol hmmmmm tasty.
i like your previous entry alot,..that really bothers me too. sex pistols are awesome.
sounds like it could be painful....

count me in!.....


yeah i know i know i just feel like a hypocrit cuz i used to be one of those like straightedge people
lets make sex
hell yeah...i call the ass
you and brody should have crazy deathsex