Listening to: The Spunks
Feeling: amazed
I am amazed at the amount of ignorance this country/the world has to offer.
There's this kid in my english class that thinks he has to be part Nazi because his great grandfather was one. NAZI IS NOT A RACE YOU FUCKING DUMB CUNT. He also tried to tell me that if i was gay i should just move to Canada or some other country because i was fucking up America's morale fiber. We are not a morale country....look at this fucking war.
Yesterday I was in a neighborhood park and almost got stabbed by some 11 year old kid because i pretended to be gay with my friend Kelly. They walked away chanting "No more Fags." So I told him i bet he would like it if i put my dick in his mouth. He then pulled his knife on was a boy scout knife...funny shit.
If you oppose homosexuality or same sex marriage...fine. You have that right. Go out and protest it with your heart full of hate. But don't go and threaten to kill someone, because that is just Republican. And don't tell somebody to leave the place they were born and raised. Everybody has a right to live wherever they choose regardless of race, gender, or sexual preference.
And the next motherfucker spewing some of that shit to me, will guaranteed get his fucking ass kicked. So all of you fucking white power neo-nazi cunt mooks....stay the fuck out of my way.
ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR say the pledge of allegiance everyday you fucking hypocrites....homosexuals are people too...
And yes, i'm well aware the first part of that is from the Constitution.
peace & love
but i think south carolina sucks.
Or I could just amazenly agree with everything you just explained in your entry. Because its true, & the "Nazi bull-shitter" is just like some kids here. Same goes with those little bitched 11 yr olds with a spoon for a knife. >:( Wonderfully put.