
Listening to: The Distillers
Feeling: alright
Brody Dalle is my future wife. She is gorgeous. A hot punk chick with a fucking damn. Penni isn't so bad either.
Read 47 comments
yeah.. and it's from anchorman. and it makes me laugh. cute, i know.
yea she is hot lol

how are you feeling? (referring to the crash)
who would Penni be? are you attempting to drill latent information into our psyches?
didnt answer the first one. But ok.
snappy are we?
i really thought i had you there.

there is another reason to hate george bush. see my boyfriend's shirt in that picture of mine? 'tis true.
saw it in you from the start,bitchassmotherfucker
is bitchin considered good or bad?
haha well thanks!!
are u hot?
brody is hawt.
uh no.

i will marry her FIRST.
lol, i only hope i will be so lucky.
Fuckin Distillers. Rock on. If I were gay I'd want her. She's sexy
well im glad that you're ok. what kinda car do you want and whats the car your mum wants?
volvos are cool! my brother has an older one and that thing has held up forever! ^_^
if anything is hot, it is you my dear♥ yayyy for you getting married :) hahah oh man, new car? that sucks. hope all goes well cutie!
aw im sorry -pats your head-
i dunno..i asked you if you were, do girls say you are
ok :|
haha thats good.. no one ever thinks im hot it kinda sucks
haha im seriously not though, no one ever says im hot or pretty or anything, kinda sucks
im ok i guess. im still sore as a bitch but im good
haha are u trying to say im hot or something?
hahaha yeahhh i tend to have a problem using cuss words... i just figure hey, we need all the words we can get in this english language so why not use 'em all? it puts emphasis on points you try to make, hahaha.

can i add you?
thats good ^_^ lol how are you and things? hope all is well
A. doing donuts with all the windows down so snow came in my car and it looked like some draft beer commercial. B. i know C. tell your mom to stop being a bad parent.
man..if i got with her, i would do some nasty illegal shit to her
hot fucking damn.
a guy with a diary is hot fucking damn too... your definatly the only guy with one... that ive seen...
oh that's just so great to say.
hell yeah
nah..hes in jail for sexual battery about 6 months ago..haha hes not the brightest
what else is there...
i HAVE that bra!!!

hahahaha just thought i'd tell you that.
if you want me to tear it out of the mag for ya...
you supose your hot fucking damn or the only guy with a diary...?.... and i think i have that bra too....
yeah ive been veg for 6 months now :) :) im way proud of myself. its been difficult, hahaha.

where do you live at?
guy + diary = hot fucking damn
woah that sucks.

i live in california. SOUTHERN cali. hahahaha.

yeah its wayy healthier. its sweet. do you have a.i.m./yahooooo/msn?
i'd put money on it... not much cause my ass is poor... but hey
i need a car to... can i add you to my friends list just so i can have a guy on there... or would that be weird...?
super i'll do that... have fun...
awe ur flipping me off pic didnt work this time SADness
i fucking love brody. mine.