I realized I hadn't posted in forever, so now I am again. I've been so busy lately with working full-time, going to school full-time, and working at renfest every weekend, that I've barely had time for anything. I keep passing out during class from lack of sleep, the little time that I actually have off I spend with Joey, though I guess it was to be expected, since most of you know what I get like after I fall for someone. But at least my busy schedule is keeping me from thinking about my past again. Though David and Stephen's phones both aren't working so I can't get ahold of them anyway.
I miss you guys so much, I really do. I have no idea as to when I'm even going to see Stephen again since the army sucks. David, I'm sorry about your job, that sucks, good luck getting it back or getting a new job. Michele, you have to visit renfest this year and give me your opinion on the new gypsies, I'll give you free tickets if you need them too.
Everything's been going well with Joey minus his *ahem* jealous outbursts and my lack of sleep that they cause. Luckily he's learning to calm himself or should I say let the Earth calm him, after all focus is the key to controlling one's inner demons. But anyways, it's 12:30 and I still need to shower and be up for class tomorrow morning. So goodnight people and I love you guys.