no new yesterdays

Feeling: drained
yeah..i have a headache. i think im like addicted to advil or something..because i have been taking it constantly for like the past 2 weeks. starting from yesterday..because this stupid thing didn't work. I had fun..went to the dentist, found out i have a cavity..which i wonderful. Got home..did my stuff then got on the comp. I found this LOVE note to my brother from a certain girl in his grade. I'm not saying who, but the not was laying out there in the open. so i just had to read it. yeah theres one part that says "DON'T BE EMBARRESSED TO DO STUFF!" man..that cracked me up! so all the girlies i talked to last night have that in their info..except karyn. Today was easy! I got a 99 on my spanish test, so that was great. All the rest was easy. sheesh..i hardly did anything today. I didn't do anything in food managment. Kristy and I just sat and talked about her lover the whole time, while everybody else slaved away on our party thingy :P it was great. then at practice, the captins were in charge, so we basically played games the whole time, and it was fun. lets can i explain Steve told a certain senior that k***** had the hots for him. He had the hots for yeah. k***** really doesn't, but now she kinda does, becaue she know's that he likes him. so mabye..i should kinda let the person that i like (yes i know..ewww emily likes someone o_O...SHUT UP BASTARDS!) that i like him :P lol..kinda weird..but yeah...
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I know what you did last weekend!!!!!! Or at least..what you "thought" about doing! HArHarHar!

-J.B- :)