Listening to: stupid spanish crap
Feeling: aggravated
im in spanish. its pretty boring.
ben just saw me looking at journals and he flipped out or something. so em told him to chill out.
tracy was just being weird. they were talking about my armpitts. yay.
on with the rest of the day.
we had a two hour delay. yes!
i was singing goofy albinoblacksheep things to jen and ashley in geometry. Marissa was talking to be about cheerleading. :) she said that she hopes that i make it. i hope i make it too. :D
karyn and I went to her mom's room last period. her mom wasn't there. we practiced our cheer stuff. she helped me with my arms, so hopefully i'll do good :)
health next period x_x
shannon & tracy are picking onme again. joy.
so does HEALTH GOD DAMNIT! ;) ;)
kidding. :D
I'm right behind you hahahahahaha
I can see your buttcrack.
Just kidding. But you know I'd love it anyway.