bored. :) once again

another survey, by yours truely :)

Epitome of Boredom

Created by chameleon and taken 24 times on bzoink!

Birthday?nov. 21, 1989
Birthplace?scranton CMC
Do you have siblings? If so, how many?Jeff & Robyn
How tall are you?5'6"
What is your shoe size?9-10
Do you know any other languages?spanish :D uhh a little jap& very little french and german
What is your best physical feature?probably my eyes..or my calfs :D haha. im such a neerd
What is your best character trait?my personality :) im very random
What is your worst character flaw?im judgemental & outspoken
Are you a dare devil?most of the time
Have you ever broken any bones?no..sprained my ankle though
Have you ever gotten stiches?yeah..both on the left side of my face :(
Have you ever had surgery?no
What is your greatest fear?probably..rejection..eating really gross foods..if ghosts are real or not
Do you want to have kids? If so, how many?yes! well it comes down to..when i have a girl. if i don't have a girl after like 3 or 4 kids..then im adopting a girl:)
What do you want to be when you grow up?hmm some kind of teacher..i don't know what kind yet though
Do you want to get married?oh yes
If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?random
Movie?god..uhh mabye the matrix triology?
Clothing Store?aeropostale, ae, & jc penny..i can't choose :P
Article of clothing?shirts
Sport?field hockey!
Summer Olympic Event?probably track & field
Winter Olympic Event?snowobarding? i donno..but i personally LIKE to ski better
Cereal?frosted mini chex
Dessert?brownies :) that aren't too flowerey
Season?probably just about any one except spring
Condiment?ketchup :P
Car?jeep wrangler
Day of the week?friday
Ice cream flavor?vanilla..or mint
Hobby?drawing...i donno..i havne't drew in forever. mabye making bracelets? i really have no clue
Month?december :)
Song?ok..i like jerk it out by the ceasers...and.. new american classic by tbs, one more time by daft punk,what you waiting for by gwen
Perfume/cologne for yourself?ae aura...dior, clinque happy heart
IN THE OPPOSITE SEXperfume? not axe..that is gross. probably adiddas
Physical feature you notice first?hair :D
Preferred height?taller than me
Perferred haircolor?doesn't really matter a whole lot
Do you like dyed hair?its kind of weird..but i can live with it
Type of person? (Jock, Skater, Emo, Prep...)skaters :) and like..emo people i guess
Most important character trait?they have to have a great personality
Hugs or kisses?depends but hugs are nice :)
Number of peircings and where?um the ears..and lip, & eyebrows are fine..anywhere else is weird
Tattoos?not a lot
Favorite thing they wear? (article of clothing)teeshirts
Favorite thing they wear? (outfit or combination)probably a band tee or some kind of shirt with a really random saying and like..someone fit jeans
Favorite perfume/cologne?adiddas
Have you ever been in love?who knows
Are you in love now?no
With who?
Do you have a b/f or g/f?nope
Do you have a crush?mmm hymmm =)
Have you ever kissed someone?yup
Favorite type of kiss?i don't know o_O
Longest relationship? long was it 9 months? i don't remember
Shortest relationship?haha like 5 seconds..but we wre playing a game..other then that a week.
Ever dumped someone?yeah..
Ever been dumped?mm hmm
Are you loyal in a relationship?yup
Ever cheated?nope
Would you ever cheat?i really hope not
Your idea of a perfect date?probably a picnic at the beach or the park if we had a beach..
Do you believe in love at first sight?if it happens to me, then ill tell you
RIGHT NOWo_O whatever
What song are you listening to?well i have strange & beautiful stuck in my head
What are you wearing?tye-dye shirt..with my black shorts that say dance on the but in sparkly blue
Where are you?in my house :)
What time is it?3:29
Who was the last person you talked to online?jael
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?my aunt marianne..if she counts..if not..then shannon
Who was the last person you called?shannon
Who was the last person to call you?shannon
The last person you hugged?heather m.
The person you want to hug?um. tehe :D
What was the last thing you said?just now i said tehe..
What was the last thing you ate?an apple
What was the last thing you drank?this weirdo mixed orange juice stuff
Do you shower every day?most of the time...i might skip a day on the weekends if im not going anywhere
Do you brush your teeth?yes
Do you floss every day?no..kind of hard with braces
Do you use mouthwash every day?no
Do you wash your hair every day?yup
Do you shave every day?every other day
Do you go to bed at the same time every day?10 on school nights..usually around 11 or 11:30 on weekends
Do you believe in God?nope
What religion are you?well..i am technically catholic..but im kind of like athiest/agnostic now
Do you pray?yeah. :P strange..because i don't believe in god
Do you believe in life after death?reincarnation
Do you believe this wasted your time?no. i had nothing better to do
Do you think you are loved by others?yes =)
Well kids, thats all I've got...wonderful

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Read 2 comments
whoa i totally love your diary name... hockey is the best!

Yeah. You want walls, Go to Wal*Mart. Best Deals. Best Prices. WORD! :p

backgrounds..what a fuss. :)