Created by BourdiezFreak and taken 27007 times on bzoink! | |
Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: | its alright |
Are you female or male: | a woman's worth |
Describe yourself: | crazy |
How do some people feel about you: | people are strange |
How do you feel about yourself: | reflections |
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: | strange and beautiful |
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: | ohio is for lovers |
Describe where you want to be: | feel good inc. |
Describe what you want to be: | drop it like its hot |
Describe how you live: | beverly hills |
Describe how you love: | firsty day of my life |
Share a few words of wisdom: | break on through |
Listening to: jt experience-party like a rockstar
Feeling: torn
just boring anymore.
today. i basically did nothing. same with yesterday. i went for a 10 minute bike ride to stay in shape. kind of. whatever.
uhh. going shopping tomorrow w/mom, karyn & her mom & probably hannah's coming. so it should be fun.
i've dancing around a lot. i miss dance already. and i have it on thursday :P hehe. i love to dance. i'm definatly putting that on my class ring :)
i think i finally have my class ring figured out.
getting it from wisnosky's. silver lustrium or whatever.
field hockey on one side, ballet slippers on the other. track shoe in the stone. either emerald or peridote stone. tell me which :) im torn between the two.
i have to get a new hockey stick soon. hmmm.
i wonder when we have cheer camp. oh well.
i have a headache now. and im bored. :D
i saw...what did i see. i forget..hmm. oh yeah, in good company. it was ok. hitch wasn't in. i told mom to get that..and NOT to get white noise..adn what does she do. she gets white noise. i dind't watch it. i don't want to be scared to sleep in my room for another 6 months. :) hehe. that happened with the grudge. :D i hate that movie!
wow. i'm actually filling this up. kind of.
and i've decide i'll make a new diary for the new school year. its amazing. this is the longest EVER i've ever had a diary. i never used to write in the paper ones. i guess because you can customize these and its easier to type, and you know people read it. so i donno.
i miss you guys so so so so much :) x3
haha. another CRAZY survery. this one has to be the craziest. haha.
probably won't make sense. :P oh well. try to figure it out.
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