so deep

Listening to: tv
Feeling: carefree
today was a semi-good day. :) health was HILARIOUS! omg. i was like laughing the whole class with those presentors. lots of people thought they were gay, but they had wedding rings on then some people said "they're probably married to each other" "DON'T HAVE SEX! IT'S EVIL!" ahah. "one joy of being a young parent!" (in my head) "YOU COULD BE A MILF!" haha i didn't say that. i bet there would be a giant laugh if i said that. :P we took our tests in spanish. shanny was here today :) i missed my shanny. nothing really special the rest of the day. brianna complains about ashley howlett and devron, being so loud at our table. well she kind of brought it upon her yeah. i got in trouble in health assistance AGAIN that woman is out to get me! jesus christ.. kristy and i had the FUNNIEST convo last night. "this isn't kristy..KIM KIM KIM!" "you little monkey!" "fucker!" ahah goooooood times. track..avis shaved his head. haha. it didn't look as bad as i thought it would look. he thinks hes all macho, now that he's in the army. haha..oh well. men are big-headed. :) i was being mean to him today. haha irony..o_O nvmd.. mor funtastic convo's with kristy. :) ahahh
Read 3 comments
yah i love my heartagram... i thougt it was so cool when i found it lol.
omg I know I used to like him a lot now him and his little gay friends are telling kiah stuff that i dont even say lol hes gay !!

thanks for the comment!


I love you emily.

& our crazy book we made in espanol.

X's & o's