Listening to: Gorillaz-Feel Good Inc.
Feeling: spazzy
bad day.
that new kid was like "but miss, you have chewing tobacco!" and then he was like "yes, ma'am" and he like speaks without raising his hand..he's crazy. its getting kind of annoying. but whatever..he's new.
spanish was bad. shannon was talking to tracy about kenny and i turned around and she was like "please don't listen" and i took it kind of the wrong way and all this crap. but i really like my weather forecast thing :D
gym was ok. i did 1 pull-up :D so i got high honors. all you had to do was one. it wasn't really hard, but still pretty hard. Lisa did 10. she's a tank 8) then we played volleyball..which i hate. but whatever.
tracy and I kind of worked on our civics project. but we don't have a lot done. mr. hein said that i don't actually have to do a dance, that i could just do positions and stuff. so that was good.
geometry is fun again. :) marissa and dan "fight" playfully. its funny. "sing cute without the e" "PLEASE!!!" :P
lunch was BAD. shannon and I were fighting. she accidentally got pinneapple juice on me..so i splashed it into her face. then she bitchslapped me..then i put carrots in her hair. then i dumped jaels tray..and she poured milk into my lunch bag...that was really bad. so yeah..i have to appologize to her tomorrow.
got out of english for a wrestling cheerleading meeting. :D so that was good. we got our candle fundraisers. but everybody has been doing them..so its like rediculous. i talked to mrs. fisher, she said that melissa, britney, julianne, and brandy McCarey are going to camp. i was relieved..i thought i was all going to be the juniors. so now i want to go :) so that's good.
the play seems funny. so i think a bunch of us will go see it friday.
track was pretty easy. we did like..100's..and i was with bridgette and brenda, so it went fast. :) then we played blob-tag..and my oh my..that was a strange expierience. :P hehe.
talked to kayla M. about certain things. it was good. :) her and I see eye and eye on certain issues.
I changed my layout. i like it. :) i was going to have that pic of ben and kayla i took..but it didn't work. so i like my "1337 cereal" :D and my little top left piccy ;) hehe.
annnd for the birthday girl, because her birthday is tomorrow....i made a present. :D
Happy Birthday Marissa :D

Thanks! :o)
and I love that picture of Marissa. :D :D :P