haha permanant marker 8)
anyway. good last full day :)
health final..blech. you couldn't read the words that well..half the questions were repeated. whatever. it was easy as dirt.
finished racing stripes in spanish. it was cute :) FINALLY GOT MY GROUPIES PICTURE. oh yes. i have to post that..

had a good time w/jael & karyn in study hall. we always have fun. made a goofy sign from karyn's make-up :P
civics was goodish. we just kind of hung around. people were arm wrestling. ashley beat max! WOOO. yeah girls rock :)
geometry..ahhh i will really miss it next year. we went over the review packet and stuff.
lunch. OUR LAST LUNCH. shannon was like "i was crying before..because its our last of everything basically" :(
geometry. we fooled around. took a million and 5 pictures :P haha it was a goood time. i shall post my geometry groupies :D

science. no cj. so i just hung around..looked at the strobe thinger with angela. went to go ask mr. hein to sign my yearbook. good times in there. karyn being crazy..again. haha lyndsey and I got gangsta' pics :P
english. we reviewed. boring. oh well.
career prep. just kinda fooled around. yeah. all that good stuff.
nicki had mt. dew, so i got a can of that. :) it was nice of her. then i looked at my cosmo girl mag. OMG. MY EFFING HOROSCOPE! =O its like crazy."with your ruling planet, Mars, dancing in your true love sector, you'll be the darling of the zodiac this summer.
At an incredibly hot party a freind throws on JUNE 11, you'll find that your powers of attraction know no end. And in July, THe heat is on!
BEST DAYS FOR LOVE: June 4 and 11"
=O EM'S PARTY IS ON THE 11th. woooo so i like freaked out when i read that. haha. and she's like "don't taint my treehouse 8)" hah it was funny. i know, im a freak for reading and beliveing horroscopes. but they're fun :P
was mad because we had to walk up the friggin' hill..because my dad is too lazy to go down and pick us up in the hot heat..grrr. so i was in a bad mood for a half hour. then i got over it. cleaned out my book bag. i was looking at all the memories. i almost cried. :( I am really going to miss freshmen year. oh well..
put notes in my science notebook.
yeah. so that's basically my day. now im bored. :)
Sophmore year and Junior year suck ass.