
Feeling: sentimental

An Interview With YOU

Created by RandomChick666 and taken 1031 times on Bzoink

Answer with HONESTY..
Whats your first and middle name?Emily Rose
Where were you born?Scranton
How many siblings do you have?2
What color are your eyes?steel blue
What color is your hair?dark blone
Whats your heritage/s?polish & lithuanian
How tall are you?5'6.5"
Your weight?probably 127
What kind of music are you into?rock/punk/emo whatever all that stuff is :D
Your favorite band:mcr
Why?good sound :) songs are full of energy
Whats a song that describes your love life?strange and beautiful-aqua lung
Whats a song that describes your life?i don't really know..but probably dreams-diana degarmo
Your Heros/Influences (Name 3)
1st Hero:aunt chris
Why They're my Hero:like a second mom to me
2nd Hero:hmm Miss Wendy (dance teacher)
Why They're My Hero:tells you to reach for the stars
3rd Hero:my friends
Why They're my Hero:keep me in touch with earth everyday
More about you:
Where was your first kiss?eh
Funnest date:eh
Funnest Party:hmmm probably one of shannon's b-day's
Worst Memory:oh god..after my mom's friends party
Whens the last time you cried?probably..the 23rd
Do you lose your temper?try not to..
Do you resort to violence?yes..
Can you control yourself?i don't really know sometimes
Do you consider yourself an influence of those around you?a bad influence..
If you died, do you think anyone would miss you?i hope so!
Your Future:
What do you want to do before you die?everything
Do you think you will change the world?no.
What are some ideas of yours?
1.stop the friggin' war
2.smellovision :) (tv that you can smell)
3.paint the honda bright red.. :D
MORE about you:
Whats your ideas on religion?im catholic. but don't believe in god...but kind of believe in a higher being
What do you think of war?dumb
Whats your outlook on starving, hungry people?start eating? i don't know
What do you think of pre-marital sex?well if people start popping out kids unplanned then that's there fault. but i donno my view on it.
Your style: (YES OR NO)
Is preppysometimes
Is gothicnot really
Is punksometimes
Is grungeno.
Is Retroehh sometimes
Is Normaldefine normal
is Hippieno
Is Emohaha only my hair sometimes :P
Is AWESOME!i don't know?
What do you like to do? (Yes or No)
Be mean:yes..sadly.
Be nice:yes
Singhaha no
Play Sportsyess
PoetryHELL NO.
Practice Yogano :P
Do you consider yourself..
Pretty?yes. every girl should feel pretty :)
Talented?we all have talents. so yes
Spiritual?not really
Strange?umm yeah :P
Insane?haha i may not..but other people might
A diffrent outlook than those around you?sometimes
Funny?yes..consieted. i know.
Wild?i guess i could be..
One of a kind?umm. we're all one of kind :)
Who's the most diffrent from you?probably..christina
Most alike you (on the inside)on the inside...hmm. LYNDSEY :D
Looks like youa mix between tracy and emilie? i don't know..
Thinks like youtracy and kristy
Quietestchristina or tracy
Weirdest in the cool waykayla t
Least Confident?tracy
Most Confident?emilie or kayla t
Who do you think...
should have more confidence?tracy
Should shut up?umm..if only i could say :D
should stop thinking theyre so great?oh god. haha. lets just nothing. for now..
Your opinion on...
religioni don't like it. but it teaches you good morals.
gay marrigesi's strange..but if they love each other
sexhmm :) im going to wait until im at least out of HS but i donno. people should wait a little
drugsshould dieeeee
popularitycan change you
forgivnessis a good thing
hatredi don't believe in hatred. but you can loathe someone an awful lot
loveif only it happened to me :)
Last Question:
Whats your PERSONAL QUOTE:Don't go through life searching for something special. let it find you.

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