Listening to: halifax-straight up
Feeling: corny
ahhh. i guess i should talk about the ski trip :D
before the ski trip, i broke my glue that was in my locker. it was in a glass container and fell of my shelf. so marissa, kristin & mrs. sherman all asked me what i was doing :) im so smart..so i had to clean that up.
then we finally got to go on the buss! i sat with kristy, with kristin and chelly behind us. we had a grand ol time taking pictures.
(kristy, me, & Kristin w/trevie!)
so then we finally got to the mountian. and i went to the wrong ticket line :P dummmb. haha. FINALLY got to go skiing. i skied with kristin & chelly most of the night. fun time :)
the bus ride home was THE BEST.
andy and john dom were in front of us. we talked about the brown ring, and fluff...and thongs..and other things. crazy crazy time :D
ahh. i can't wait till killington.
karyn & kristin came over yesterday. that was pretty crazy. kristin taught us how to tune up our ski's :D then karyn slapped jeff across the face with assorted cold cuts. fun time :)

Great great great times!!!!
I x3 you so much.