what a week

Listening to: the dishwasher
Feeling: alienated
what a horrible, horrible week. (this is from yesterday and today) yesterday (Friday) was a horrible day. effing elysia made up a lie. AGAIN. and i really don't care if she reads this. she put words into ME and my friends mouths. WHO THE F*** does she think she is? just because she took something the wrong way on thursday night..(something christina said) she has to make up a lie to get back at her. she told christina that 6 out of the 8 people at our lunch table hated her. and it was so not true. only her and kristy don't like her. AND I DON'T REALLY CARE BECAUSE IF SHE DOES SOMTHING ON MONDAY...I WILL FLIP OUT ON HER SO BAD...ugh. yeah..it's absoulty horrible. to believe she would do something like that..well i actually could. the liar that she is. well. now that that's out. tracy also came over yesterday. it was fun :) we bonded :D and all we seemed to do was play the sims. haha. i think she got bored..but she wouldn't tell me. well whatever. we watched the chronicals of riddick :) it was a good movie..but it kinda seemed like it dragged on. lol his eyes were beautiful :D haha. now jeff is an idiot. booting me off the the computer telling me "YOU'RE GETTING OFF AT 2!" HA! bastard. god..i just wish he would get grounded. tracy even said that he's out of control. he's the favored child. he disrespects my parents so much, and they don't even do anything about it. annnd when i ask him to get on "can i get on at 4?" not.."YOUR GETTING OFF AT 4!" yeah..bastard. what an entry of hate. oh well. :) feels good to get it all out.
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you just don't get it..............................................................whatever..its not worth it anymore. I thought we were true friends.