he showed off, splashin around

Listening to: mom on the phone
Feeling: musical
what another odd day. :) i wore my boots today :P more comments from my "oh so supportive" friends. haha. oh well. we got to talk about alcohol in health. i knew like..17 different kinds of beer. :P and i haven't even been drunk! (pathetic, kind of) :D haha. then we had to go to a meeting to get our class rings! :D there is like..so many. ugh. its bad. lol i get so confused and frusterated..do i want this color or that color or this design.. yeah. its likes crapola :) we got to dance in spanish. i was being partners with tracy, then em was my partner so shan & tracy went together. we had a swell time :D no incidents at lunch today. :) we got these groups in english. karyn is the group leader. its so funny. :p there's only 3 girls. karyn, casey and me. and there's paul (bad) zach (worse) justin backer (doesn't do anything) chris perez, and brandon white. so yeah. we had a grand ol' time. i had to read to little kids for health assistance. it was jumbly. :) heather went with me. haha it was funny. track is like..the best this season. even if it is hard. :( avis is so hilarious. kristy asked him "are you gay?" "no, i have a girlfriend who goes to trail" 5 minutes later "are you sure you're not gay?" lmao i could have died. him and ross were wrestling..i could have died then too. haha. then he's like "im gonna go in my jacuzzi when i get home" and tracy's like " i want a jacuzzi!" and i said "just use a bath" and she said "there's no bubbles though!" and avis was like "ill fill you with seamen bubbles" lmao. i think she said he ment that to me. nasty person :P haha. then steve got mad on the latebus "that's a great way to make new friends, by punching them and hitting them!" yeah just great. we had a pact..guess that's ruined (it was to try to be nice to each other) tracy said he gets mad because i punch her. god..im just being goofy when i punch her. i serioulsy think he has major issues.
Read 2 comments
you think he has major issues? only think???? what's wrong with you? and stop leaving stupid pointless comments on my diary. even though they're funny as hell. and nice icon.
:-D not suprised you have your 'idol' on there. :-D