| 3 | boring sunday.

Listening to: overrated
Feeling: abandoned
well not alot has happend since yesterday..last night jimmy was supposed to come over, but cody was here, and so he didnt, you guys already know that though..and so after cody left..i talked to jimmy..and then me and jordan talked on yahoo for a while..and then my mom went to bed, and so did jennifer..and so i told jimmy he could come over..and so i told jordan he was coming over, and then i got off the internet when he got here around 12:30? haha it was fun. we watched Cat in the Hat. lol it was a good movie, haha. and then he had to leave...and drew masingale called me at like 1:45. and he was with matt, and they were being really weird so i just kept hanging up on him and he kept calling me back. oh well..and then i went to bed at around 2. I woke up this morning around 9. and then went to sonic to get some breakfast. and then i just layed out, and have been working on my spanish house every since. and i started my book called candy. and then meg and paige came over and we went to forest park to look for meg's bracelet that she lost..and we couldnt find it. and jimmy was supposed to come over today, but he had to work..so that kinda sucks. oh well i get to see him tomorrow. :-) well im gonna go, laaaaater! peace out girl scout. ash.
Read 11 comments
hey babe just wanted to say that i love you!!!..and you're a sexy lil bitch!..haha ttyl byez!

haha how are we sick??..0:-)
I like your diary. It's really cute!
& hearts; just take uout the spaces

haha dude i'm not mad
i was seriously saying congrats cause jimmy's cool
hey babe! i love you more! and you are a good friend too! :)

AWW! you got that book!? Candy!/ the one we saw in olathe!? awesome im reading it after you. i finally updated! love you much! talk to you later
-lyndsey kate
Your sexy1

hey girly, i just got back from McDonnalds and i saw your man working the registar!..haha see you at school, love you bunches!..byez!

Cool, yeah you can add me if you want
whoa i love you to darling! yes computer tech is so fun, not i hate it so much, only like 4 more days....
