lol cute layout. and i'm sorry about ur first day. god, the first day is lick a kick in the dick. LOL, not that i would kno.. it just sounded appropriate to say.
i saw you today!! looked sooo flippin hott

i love you! :)
lol, i feel ya dawg. i think that this year will be the worst year for me going back to school. ugh. i really dont want to.
Oh my gawd I know!! I especially loved the part where we stuffed our face with desserts! Woo hoo!
Well, I just might see you tomorrow! I am coming over to your house to practice the camp dance with Jen and Destiny! So, I am totally looking forward to seeing your BEAUTIFUL face!
I DON'T GET TO SEE YOU!!!! Your sister just called me and told me you guys have to pick up your cousin from the airport! GEEZ! Well, hmm. I will just have to come and find you at school! :P
ik, i have to go to school tomorrow, just to get my ID and i really don't want to. just the sight of my school is really bad. aaha
ur diary is very cute

haha, love yah
hi how are you.
well I could be better. Im sick right now.
oh well thanks anyways. Whats your myspace. Ill add you as a friend if i havent already.
ill add you then.