| 28 | yeeeah.

Listening to: green day
Feeling: exhausted
okay..well since i havent really updated in a while..i will just start from tuesday.. tuesday i woke up around 10:50 or something because Lyndsey called me..and she came over and yeah..i dont really remember what we did all day. and then later, megan came and picked me up..and we went to taco bell..adn went to the ballparks. i got bored so i went and talked to Lynds while she was working. i went and talked to my cousin and my aunt for a while. and then i talked to Ryan Bellinger for a while too. and then lynds got done working at like..8:30? and so we left, and we came to my house, and then went to hers. and her dad wouldnt let me stay so my mom came and picked me up at around...10? and so iw ent home and talked to nathan on the phone for like 2 hours. and went to bed aroun 12 or 1 or something. yesterday i woke up at like 10:50 yet again..and then pennie came over..and we went and looked for some sort of job, and the only place we applied was Kramer Drug because thats like the only place that hires 15 year olds. and so then we came home, and watched Thirteen. and then i had to do some shit for my parents. and then around 6:15 i went and got lynds, and went tothe ballparks. hung out with Lauren, Brad, Brooke and Nathan came. and then i went home around 9:25 because i was in a horrible mood. and so after that..i took katie home, and went home. nathan called and we got into a fight. and i was pissed. so i went to bed around 1. and yeah. couldnt goto bed for the longest time. today i woke up at 10:15 becase nathan was being cute and called me at like..10 and left me a voice mail. and so i just got up. and then i took angel and carlos to brittneys house, and then went and got them and took em back to carlos's. and then went adn took lynds stuff to her. went to eat at wendy's with my mom. and then went to her work. and then went out to Kelci's to swim. and then came back to town. and now im at home. getting ready to go to Lawrence to go shopping. :-) so im gonna go. i will write laaaaaaaater. peace out girl scout. xoxo, ash. ♥
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