| 16 | pretty fucking cute.

Listening to: uhm, dont know
Feeling: rushed
yeah so today prretty much sucked ASS. yesterday i went to lyndsey's, and we went over to sam's house. that was fun. and then we went back to lyndsey's.. and then we went out to eat at the cc. it was really good. and then it started raining and shit..and it kidna scared me. and then she came bck to my house, and we watched the girl next door.and then it was around 10, and we went and got lyndseys stuff because she stayed all night, and then we went over to sams for like 10 mins, and came home. and we read for a while..and then i talked to sam for a while..and then we went to bed around 1 or 1:30. and so yeah. today nothing has really happend, i woke up, and then we just messed around, and then i found out i had 2 fucking flat tires. because someone wanted to be cute, and slit my back tires. real cute. and then my dads fucking pissed off so yeah. whatever. i dont even fucking care. everyone is effing gay anyways. and so i went and got my bangs cut, and my hair re-layered, and then came home, and lyndsey just left. and i dont know what iam doing tonight. but tomorrow i think i am going to Herrington with my mom. so that should be fun.. hmmmmmmmm.... EDIT: so tonight, i decided i would go play tennis with brad. it was alot of fun. he hit me with the ball and it kinda hurt, then he stepped on my toe, and then he hit me in the hand with the racket, lol oh well. and then we got done, and went over to the playground. and he made me get on the mary-go-round, and i almost got sick. haha and then we went and swung for a bit. and then we went to sonic to get something to drink..came back to the park..and just hung out. and then i went home. and i talked to lynds just a min ago. and i talked to sam alittle tonight, so that was fun. and i think we're gonna hang out tomorrow because i am not going to herrington with my mom anymore. well i think im out. later. Krysten, Brooke, and Tara, i love you guys to death! :-) And for you Amanda, lets go behind the neighbors tree, right now. lol love you gorgeous! dont know what id do without you babe! wel i'm out.. peace out girl scout You knock my socks off Ash.
Read 9 comments
i fucking love you, and i want to bone you right here and right now :))

hahaha you're the best, thanx for everything!!

love you...tootles :)) :-X
ashley i would looooove to go behind your neighbors trees. i'll be here anytime lovely. so if you ever wanna talk, or have sex, then just holla. i looooove you beautiful!
haha yes you can start calling me Jorby now, since everyone is doing that and its like SO COOL!!! :))

lol, later gator....love ya!
the CA CA CA...'s strike again?! whoa that really doesn't make much sense, but oh well. : )
someone slit your tires?

Ashley I love you!! You're the greatest ever!! Leave me a loving goodbye comment on my new entry!!

hey suga bean! thanks for the comment. Love you too!

Much <3,
Chelsea Marie
Love you too baby doll. Just remember your special!:-) We SO NEED TO DO SOMETHING. Like really soon damnit. I've been missing our fun nights in your damn bed. Shit nigga. Love ya nasty whore.

Your sluttttttt,
cool diary. i love the picture at the very top.

rock on,