| 6 | [pretty much.

Listening to: the killers
Feeling: ambivalent
so i'm in computer tech right now. pretty fun. and we are supposed to be presenting out powerpoints, but no one has yet. so thats pretty fun. and next hour i have to present my house, and i am pretty much not ready for that at all. so whatever. it doesnt matter, half the people in my class aren't ready! oh well. i also have an algeba test today that i didnt really study for. awesome. oh well. so yesterday, tay came over after school again, but yesterday at school was hell. wow i am not even kidding. so many people are talking shit right now. wow. i dont even effing care anymore. oh well. it just kinda upset me. but whatever. its over and done with. and we only have like 5 more days left. but seniors are out today. how fun. so after school i also took carrie to sonic, and then followed lauren down main, and then went and took carrie to the ball parks. and then me and tay went back to my house to chill for a while. and then around 4:30 we went to her moms work to get money for her, and then went to my moms work to get money for me. and ryan was in there, wow hes hott. and then we went to the ballparks. and we watched the regional softball game. no one even scored until the 8th inning, and we ended up losing, not sure by how much, because i left when it was 2-0. and i got to see Krysten Tara and Katie last night! they were at the games so i went and sat wtih them. that was fuuun. i love you guys. :-) and then my mom called, and i went home, and we went up to red lobster to eat. it was good. and then came home..and got on the interent..and then went to bed around 11 after i was done talkin to jimmy on the phone... so today after school tay is coming over, and then we are going to eat at china palace...so iwill write back later.
TAYLOR IS HOTT gosh i love her
Read 14 comments
I love your new diary!! its the shizz
NEVER...muhahaha mine over powers yours...LMAO jp...
I will fight with you forever!!! Until my face turns blue...because I LOVE YOU MORE!!!


**huge hugz**
guess what..we might not be coming down this weekend..i dont know for sure because it just depends how it works out with my mom and my dad's plans...woohoo we're out of school now! im sorry but you guys have 5 more days left :p lol i miss you so very much and i want to see you but i'll have 5 weeks in the summer* weee well im gonna go i'll talk to you later*
:*>kiss< i love you so very much ashley dahling
-lyndsey kate
Hey gurl ur so great...so what is the problem..for the past like 2 weeks or so i'v been gettin accussed of a whole bunch of stuff and finally this week it is over....woowoo...!! do you like kyle brannon?? well he was like hitting on me on the bus ride home..it was sooo grosss!! srry if you like him...but idc...lol



Oh yeah...i'm going into health occupations next year...lol FUN!!!
I love watching Baseball/Softball that is the only sport I can actually sit down and watch for like ever. But ice cream sounds so fricken yummy right now! Damn I really want some ice cream. But yea who really studies for an Algebra test? Ughmm I never do! :-)

Aha your funny, tight pants.. hehe, that's the greatest thing i've ever heard! Lolz but yeaaa yeaa that's a plus too!

hey hottie! i luv your diary! have a great day babe!
Taylor is hott
not as much as i do
thank you.

but I just changed it.

have a good one
i love your diary