| 29 | another one.

Listening to: overrated
Feeling: rushed
1. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Ubel 2. Last person you kissed: cant say. 3. Last word you said: uhm, dont remember. 4. Last song you sang: Fall to peices by avril 5. Last person you hugged: i think brooke 6. Last thing you laughed at: kelci and me at her pool.. 7. What's in your CD player: a burnt CD 8. Who is your favorite star/s: uhm, well jake gyllenhaal if he counts for a star. 9. What socks are you wearing: none, i dont like socks. 10. What's under your bed: alot of shit. 11. Current status: uhm... 12. Current taste: tooth paste 13.Current Hairstyle: wavy and wet. 14. Current clothes: silver shorts, green staff shirt. 15. Current Hate: this one girl. 16. Current longing: to be with that one boy again.. 17. Current desktop picture: JJ Reddick 18. Current worry: uhm, have lots. 19. Current Love: oh ya know, that one stupid boy. 20. Story behind your username: haha i duno, i got bored. 21. Current favorite article of clothing: my beaters from Old Navy. 22. Favorite physical feature(s): my hair.. 23. Last CD that you bought: JoJo 24. Favorite place to be: sleeeping in my bed. 25. Least favorite place: def. school. ick. 26. Time you wake up in the morning: for school, its usually 7ish, summer, its whenever i feel like it. 27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be: flute 29. Current favorite word/saying: pretty much. 30. Favorite book: any goosip girl book. 31. Favorite Movies: Day After Tomorrow 34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: uhm...i dont really know. 35. Favorite day: well its summer, so everyday works for me now. 36. Where do you want to go: faaaaaaaar away from o-town. 37. What is your career going to be: pediatrician(sp) 38. Who is your best friend/s: Krysten, Tara, Lyndsey and Megan. 39. What kind of car do you have: '98 Mitsubishi Eclipse 40. A random lyric: i dont know 41. Eye Color: greeeen 42. Hair Color: red 43. Righty or Lefty: righty 45. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn 46.Innie or Outtie: innie DESCRIBE... 47. Your heritage: i guess i have alot. 48. The shoes you wore today: black and white adidas flip flops. 49. Your hair: longer than my shoulders, wavy, down. 50. Your weakness: uhm, him. 51. Your fears: dieing, spiders, snakes, bridges. 52. Your most recent secret?: now that, i cannot say. 53. Well that was gay? 54. Your thoughts first waking up: i'm still tired. 55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes, and teeth 56. Your bedtime: whenever i feel like it. 57. Your most missed companion: hmm... 58. Your perfect pizza: cheese 59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: sweet and chewy 60. Single or group dates: def. single. 61. Dogs or Cats: cats. i love cats. 62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: how bout neither? ick. 63. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 64. Cappuccino or coffee?: cappuccino 65. Smoke: uhm, no. 66. Curse: haha yeah sometimes. 67. Sing: when i feel like it. :) 68. Take a shower everyday: yeah 69. Have a crush: uhm, pretty damn much. 71. Think you've been in love: ive been in love. and am right now. 72. Want to go to college: yep 73. Want more than what you got: yeah.. 74. Want to get married: prtty much. 75.Type with your fingers in the right place: no, i type the WRONG way, but i dont care. 76. Think you're attractive: ha, me? no. 77. Think you're a health freak: not really. 78. Get along with your parents: most the time. 79. Play an instrument: psh, no. IN THE PAST 3 months 80. drink: no 82. Done a drug: no 83. Made Out: ha, yeah. 84. Go on a date: no 85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: haha yeah. 86. Eaten sushi: icky, no. 87. Been dumped: yeah. 88. Made homemade cookies: no 89. Caused a fire: no, im not that much of a trouble maker. 90. Gone skinny dipping: nope. 91. Dyed your hair: nope. 92. Stolen anything: no HAVE YOU EVER.. 93. Had too much to drink: nope 94. Been caught cheating: yeah once. 95. Been called a tease: uh huh,. 96. Gotten beaten up: no. 97. Changed who you were to fit in: nope, they odnt like it, too bad. 98. Cried at something beautiful: haha no. 99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need? lol yeah. 100. Cried when someone died?: duuh. well have fun... laaaaaaaaaater. the other entry, thats actually telling about my day and shit, is back one. so check that out too. laater lovely's. xoxo, ash ♥
Read 12 comments
I love you ashley brooke.
ashley.. i ate too much taco bell. i think im going to die. =[
i love you, you dirty butt bag.
Ashley Brooke Baldwin. I love you soooo much. I'm so sorry what happened the other day. I can't believe he would do that to one of my BESTfriends. What a dike. I hate him. I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. You can hate him as much as you want. I will be behind you 100%.

I'm so sorry and I love you waaaaay too much!:-)

Hey babe! i love you!! and im sorry about what happened!! but i still love you and so does brooke! :-)

hey ashley this is paige, i am only using lyndseys sitdiary
i love you so much comment back on my xanga
Ashley I effing love you...hopefully Megan can bring you to the next games so that I can see you! We won our second game thursday and lost the first one. I wish you would have been there because nobody was there to cheer me on :( but its okay i still love you!

Cant wait to see you again babe!

|Shooting Star|
Yeah that would be great....I love you Ashley! Yes we totally need to hang out again like uhh SOON! My pool is getting filled back up so we can swim sometime soon..hehe yeah so I love you?!?

|Shooting Star|
UPDATE HOOCHIE! I love you..

I'm Back!! ^_^
i saw your sexy ass today!! :)
