| 8 | boring school.

Listening to: ohio is for lovers
Feeling: rushed
well i haven't really updated in a while..since the last time i was in computer tech.. so let me start off from wednsday.. after school..taylor came over..and we went and drove around for awhile..and i saw jimmy..and him and seth kept like tag teaming me and tay..and they would keep passing us, and then we'd go somewhere else, and they would find us, it was craaaazy. and so then we went to china palace, and they sat outside for a while because seth broke the car. lol. and i went out to give jimmy a hug..and he just stood there. so i just went back inside. and then he took my purse from my car, and i made him run all the way back to chinese to give it to me..so he did. and then he wouldnt let me take him anywhere, but i did anyways. and so we found seth, and i took seth and jimmy to seth's. and then they asked if i could take them to church, so i did. and then at church..it was steve and alicia's last night..and so we did fun stuff with them. and then Seth decided he would be very nice, and put vasoline all over the underneath of my door handle. oh i was pretty damn mad. and then jimmy, being the sweetheart he is, went and got it off for me. there is still a bunch of it on there though, ick. and so i was mad, and i didnt really feel like talking to anyone..and then i just decided it was alright..and i talked to jimmy..and we talked for a while.and then seth apologized..and then seth got in a vasoline fight with like everyone..and jimmy's lil brother had it all over his face, and they put it all over jordan and everything..and at the beginning, when we first got to church, jimmy tackled me and like killed my leg. :-( oh well i forgave him..and then everyone went to dq, and i didnt want to go so yeah..and so i waited till tay left with jordan, bobby, jimmy and me, and then i was gonna take jimmy to dq, but no one was there, and so we went to seth's. and then bobby was gonna stay all night with jimmy, so i followe jordan to the north side, and got bobby's clothes..and then took jimmy home..and then we lost bobby and jordan..so i took him home, and then on my way home. i found them, and told em where he lived. and it was storming pretty bad this whole time. and then jimmy called me later that night..and we talked till like 11. so yeah. and then i went to bed, and they stayed up till like 3. Yesterday, school was alright. we didnt really do anything. i pretty much read all hour first hour, and second hour, and then im gym we watched a stupid movie called super size me. and i texted jimmy through out all of that..which was fun..and then seminar was boring as hell. and then after school, jimmy and tay tay came over, and i took jimmy to work around 4:30, and then tay left around 5. I didnt want to do anything last night because i had to watch the OC. wow it was an awesome episode. too bad i have to wait till next season to find out what happens with everything!! kinda sucks! but its all good. and then at 8, i texted jimmy..cuz he called me and i told him i'd call him back..and so i found out some more shit i had tot ell him, and so he called me when he got off work. so that was fun. and then we talked till about 11:30 or 12..and then i went to bed. I also got a cute text message this morning at 4:23am. which was extremely cute. not. Jimmy isnt here today either, because he just didnt want to come. and we are pretty much hanging out tonight..i dont know what we're doing, but we're doing something..hes so cute. well nothing has happend today..so i think i will prolly just write back tomorrow or something and explain how my day went and stuff..so later! peace out girl scout. Ash.
Read 17 comments
no your freaking awesome haha

love ya <3
thank you
hehe yepp and i'm your shining star!! only because we love eachother and thats how love works! muhahahhahaha

I love you my shooting star

Love your shining star
Hey Loser! I love the new layout!

..But not as much as I love you!

Your shining star?? FRIGGON AWESOME...you can be my shooting star and i'll be your shining star!! muhaha that is just how we're going to have to leave shoutouts and comments! You probably do love me more than chris does..i wouldnt dought it at all!! but I love you more than anybody else loves you!!

Your shining star ;)
Need Icons? I got the Diary!
i absolutely love your diary
Why yes we do =) haha amor the diary =D
WOw, i love your background. no joke. its hawt
Nope not even kidding! She even showed me the text message! .. I guess they talk on the phone sometimes because she told him that whenever he needed to talk to call her. (cause hes friends with jacob I guess so they've talked?) And so he's been talkin to her about Jessica and shit. Who the fuck knows he needs to knock it off and just dump her. Especially when he's in love(haha) with like 10 other girls.

Much love!
LOSER!!!! I love you! Yeah what now! hehehehe OMG DEVIN TOLD KENDRA SHE WAS SEXY!!!!!!
Hey, i saw your comment in Jess's diary...i stayed home TOO!!...haha well cant wait til' tonight, love you bunches!

ASHLEY I FRIGGON LOVE YOU MAN...you are the awesomeest chick ever!!! muhahahahhahahaha
...amd i cant make it on my own, bcuz my heart is in ohio...so cut my wrists and black my eyes so i can fall asleep tonight or die, bcuz u kill me.... hawthorne is awesome
haha i love you too! i hope you guys all have a fun day at school lol. well talk to you later. love ya.
love you broooke! yup there has been alot of drama latley...its pretty fun considering i didnt do anything!
