| 32 | eventful weekend

Listening to: the tv
Feeling: amorous
well lemme start from what i did thursday.. thursday i went to emporia around 8, and then watched Jennifer dance, and she got nominated for All American, and she got it! i was so happy for her! and then she got done around like 12, and we went to her dorm to get all her shit, and then i got some really cute shorts that say dance on them. and then we went out to eat at Bruff's. it was really good. so we got done eating, and headed home. we got home around...2:30 or something..and we sat at home for a while..and me and becca just talked on aol..and then my mom woke up from her nap, and we went to see my grandma, and get a coffee. and then after that we decided we were gonna go to the CC to go swimming. it was fun. we didnt stay for very long though. i finally got to drive my car though, although my mom was with me. oh well. and so after we got back, i packed some shit, and headed up to Lawrence to spend a few nights with my cousin Becca. i took my laptop just in case. so that night, we ordered pizza, and me and beck just sat around. we watched an extremly goofy movie, the princess diaries, and tried watching princess diaries 2, but we both fell asleep. friday we got woke up at around 10 by becks friend Valerie calling. so we got up, and she was like im gonna come over..so i took a shower, and defused my hair, and around 11:30 or so we walked up to the studio. and val met us up there. and so we went shopping and ate at Rudy's. it was good. we shopped for about 3 hours or so. and then we went back to the studio and valerie left. and then we went home. and i changed, and becca straightned my hair for me because we were gonna go see a movie. and so we ate dinner, and then we left for the movie! we went and saw BeWitched. it was such a good movie!! i loved it. and so we got back to the house, and just kinda talked on aol till like 12:30. and then Nathan called me right when i was geting ready to go to bed. so i just told him i'd call him later. and then we went to bed. yesterday we woke up around 10:30, and got up and went upstairs, and then we watched the movie crossroads, and then we ate some lunch. my mom came and got me around 1:30..and then i came home, and took my stuff home, and then went and picked up megan. and we went to olathe and shopped alittle! it was alot of fun!! and then my momcame back and pickeed us up, and we took megan home, and then she got some stuff and drove over. and then we asked to go rent a movie because my mom and dad were going out to eat to have a "meeting". but then my dad called and said he was sick. so my mom, megan, and i went to the movies in olathe. we saw sisterhood of the travleing pants. i had already seen it, but megan and my mom loved it, and i did too! and then we got home, and i talked to nathan, and then we just sat around, and went to bed aroun 11. because megan had to get up early. today i have not done much. got up around 9:30, and then had breakfast, and ive just been reading alot. and i dont know what im doing today yet so yeah. i will write back later. laaaaaaaaaaaaaater. xoxo, ash. ♥
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i heart you.

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lyndsey kate
love you more.
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lyndsey kate