| 35 | Megan Keaton

Listening to: shes no you.
Feeling: sad
this entry is going to be pointless.... or a dedication to Megan. i love her..so much that it makes me want to cry. i seriously dont know what i would do without her. she is awesome. and my everything, and i love her. very very much. she is obsessed with the song, my world, by avril. dang. and jordan, of course. hmmmmm...but she is the best friend ever. and i cant live without her. ever. i jsut want to sit and stare at you. (sorry it was a spur of the moment, im listening to that song right now) well i think thats all. i love you Megan. you are my SGTF for life! looove you darling. okay, regular entry now: here goes. yesterday i woke uo around 9, and then just hung around, and then around 1 i went and ate at china palace with kelc. and then we went to walmart, and then swimforlife, and then to her gmas, back to walmart, then out to ben's. and then back to kelc's. and then ben and tyler came over because it was storming. and then they left, and we went back to wallyworld..and then came home..and no one was here,a nd it was storming bad..and then it started hailing, i was freaking out! damn. and then the boys came back over, and we watched Thirteen. and then they left. and me and kelc packed her shit, and then went to bed. today i got up around 9 agian, and did nothing, and then around 12, me and megan went to wendy's. and then went and got Carrie. went to the pool. Jimmy was there, ick. and AUTUMN WAS WORKING. yesss. and then we left around 3..and i sat at home. and then i went to lawrence with my mom..came home and then meg came over. and now were just chillin! TOMORROW BITCHES. red.white.and BOOM. okay, later. xoxo, ash. ♥
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|Shooting Star|
sooooooooooooo I love you too!!!!!!

i love you, and guess what?....

i'm uploading Travis's picture...RIGHT NOW!!!!..yay!..haha

LOVE YOU!! xoxo!
Hey bad news...its not letting me upload any pics off my camera right now, but i think its because the batteries are low, so i'm charging them right now and then i'll try again..

sorry..love you!
hey girly, i'm back..i just uploaded his pic..so lemme write this entry and then you'll be able to see his pic! :)

haha..love you! :)
okay! its there...take a look! :)

love you!..xoxo!
HA, you're welcome, welcome, welcome! :)
So whatcha think about the picture?

love you!
your moving in with me. tonight.

Get to packin, love!! :-)

hehehehe yessssssss!
