| 33 | survey

Listening to: roackaby
Feeling: angry
Basics [x] Your gender:: Female [x] Straight/Gay/Bi:: Straight [x] Single?: pretty much [x] If not, do you want to be?: nah [x] Eye color:: green [x] Happy with it?: sure [x] Hair color:: red [x] Happy with it?: yeah, no one else has my color. [x] Obsessions?: eclipses [x] Have a favorite quote?: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love...and be loved in return." [x] Do you have a webpage?: www.sitdiary.net/iheartyoux and www.xanga.com/dance4life04 Deep Thoughts [x] Do you live in the moment?: yep [x] Do you have any secrets?: yeah [x] Do you hate yourself?: no [x] Do you like your handwriting?: uhm, not really. [x] Do you have any bad habits?: yeah [x] What is the compliment you get from most people?: people like my eyes. [x] If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: i dont have a clue [x] Can you sing?: i ca, but i dont. [x] Are you a daredevil?: sometmes. [x] What is your greatest strength?: i dont know.. [x] If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: not to talk so much. [x] Do you think you are emotionally strong?: no.. [x] Is there anything you regret doing in life: yeah, lots of stuff. [x] Do you think life has been good so far?: it has its bad parts. [x] What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: uhm, i dont know. [x] What do you like the most about your body?: my hands [x] Do you think you are good looking?: no [x] Are you confident?: ya Do You... [x] Smoke?: No [x] Do drugs?: No [x] Pray?: no.. [x] Talk to strangers who IM you?: not usually. [x] Sleep with stuffed animals?: yes i do.. [x] Take walks in the rain?: sometimes. [x] Talk to people even though you hate them?: not very often. [x] Drive?: yeah... [x] Like to drive fast?: sometimes. Would or Have You Ever? [x] Liked your voice?: kinda [x] Hurt yourself?: yeah. [x] Been out of the country?: no. [x] Eaten something that made other people sick?: yeah. i eat squid and everyone thinks thats nasty. [x] Been in love?: yep. [x] Done drugs?: hell no. [x] Gone skinny dipping?: yeah [x] Had a medical emergency?: not that i can remember [x] Had surgery?: no [x] Ran away from home?: yeah. [x] Played strip poker?: haha no, i dont know how to even play regular poker [x] Gotten beaten up?: no.. [x] Thought about suicide?: no.. [x] Pulled an all nighter?: YES. AT A HOTEL WITH LYNDSEY. AND WE MET A SECURITY GUARD AND MADE FRIENDS! [x] Talked on the phone all night?: not that i can remember [x] Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yes [x] Slept all day?: yep [x] Killed someone?: ha, no. [x] Had sex with a stranger?: no. [x] Thought you're going crazy?: sometimes. [x] Kissed the same sex?: ick, no. [x] Been betrayed?: course. [x] Had a dream that came true?: no. [x] Broken the law?: More then once [x] Met a famous person?: Tech Nine. Beliefs [x] Believe in life on other planets?: dont have a clue. [x] Miracles?: yeah [x] Astrology?: kinda [x] Magic?: uhm....i duno.. [x] God/Satan: yeah. [x] Ghosts?: yes [x] Luck?: yes [x] Love at first sight?: yes [x] Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: Nope [x] Witches?: yeah [x] Easter bunny?: couuuurse. [x] Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: I could¡¦ [x] Believe there¡¯s a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: Of course! [x] Do you wish on stars?: i wish on shooting stars. Friends [x] Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: not that i know of. [x] Pick 8 friends¡¦ only use them in your answers: Megan, Lyndsey, Taylor, Kelci, Kelsey, Nichole, Krysten [x] Who is your best friend?: Lyndsey Brown [x] Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Lyndsey or Megan [x] What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: i dunno, all my friends give me advice. [x] Your favorite inside joke?: all my jokes with lynds. [x] Thing you're picked on most about?: that i cant take a joke that easily [x] Who's your longest known friend?: Megan [x] Newest?: Lynds [x] Shyest?: none of us are shy. [x] Funniest?: Lynds [x] Sweetest?: Tay and Nic [x] Closest?: Lyndsey [x] Weirdest?: Kelci, but i love her. [x] Smartest?: Megan Ketchum [x] Ditziest?: Katie Anderson [x] Last person you talked to online?: Brooke Cronin [x] Who do you talk to most online?: Krysten, Lyndsey, and Brooke [x] Who are you on the phone with most?: Lyndsey [x] Who do you trust most?: Lynds and Megam [x] Who listens to your problems?: all my friends. [x] Who do you fight most with?: Megan [x] Who's the nicest?: Nichole [x] Who's the best singer?: Chelsea Brown [x] Who's on your shit-list?: Jessica Barnhart [x] Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: no.. [x] Who's your second family?: Lyndsey's family at her dads have fun!! laaaaaaaaaaater. xoxo, ash ♥
Read 10 comments
hell yeah!! that shit was awesome.. sowwy but i gotta steal it from ya!! :-)

aw ha well thanks cutie
okay babe well i dont hate you..i love you..what do you need to ask me?

cute layout.
what have you been up to this summer?
nothing much, sleeping hangin out with brooke and elizabeth alot, thats about all..i havn't seen you for along time, and we never talk.
hey chick i love you i realy want you to come down here i miss you i feel special that i was in that questionaire thingy call me at 785 766 9094 i left my phone at my dads

later alligator
Hey babe, i uploaded some pics..you might want to check them out, but sorry to say, i forgot to upload Travis's picture, but i promise that in my next entry his picture will be in there, i love you!

nighty night! :)