| 30 | Looong weekend

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: tranquil
well i will just start from friday since i dont remember the last time i actually wrote in this damn thing.. friday i went to the pool with brooke and lyndsey, and then i took lynds home, and some cool shit went down. but we dont have to get into that because its all bullshit. and then later that night, i went to El Mezcal with Pen and our moms. and i stayed there for a while.. and then, megan came and picked me up, and we went to my house..and we started watching Thirteen, but then she wanted to go to Jordans for a while..so i let her go to Jordans and then she came back around 11..and i just sat at the computer and talked to Sam for like 2 hours. and then me and megan finished the movie, and went to bed around 1.. saturday i got up around 10 somehing, and then megan took me over to sam's house because he told me to come and wake him up in the morning so i did. and then i stayed there till like...12? and then i went home and took a shower because i was leaving around 2. and then lynds came over, and Kelc came and got us around..2:30 and then we headed to Lawrence to check into the hotel and see a movie. we saw the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. it was an awwesome movie. i loved it. and so after that, we were supposed to be at Longhorn at 6 and we didnt get out of the movie till then, and we still had to go back to the Holidome to change. and so we did that, and then went and ate. it was sooo good. and then we went back to the hotel and found some boys, that there names were Justin and Ben, but they were kinda fags. and tehy were from Nebraska. and so we met this guy named Charlie, and he told us when we first met him, that his name was Charles. and then he told us his name was Taylor Struddle and his dad invented the Toaster Struddle. lol aaaand then he told us he was gay. lol and so he came to our room later that night and was like okay my name is charlie adn i am not gay. and he was there because he was going to KU basketball camp. fun. sunday morning kelci and lauren went to bed around like 1 something..and me and lynds sat in the corner and texted ppl cuz that was on the only place we got service..and then at like..2 or something, we went down to the lobby, and made friends with the security guard. haha and then me and lynds went and sprayed the elevators with air freshner because it smelled horrible. lol. and then we just sat and watched ppl walk in and out of the hotel. me and lyndsey did not sleep at all. we talked tothe security guard till he left..which was around 7, and then we ate breakfast. and then went to sleep at like 9, for about 15 minutes. and then we checked out, and came home. and we took everyone home, and me and kelc went out to nathan and damons, and then to tylers, and back to their house, then to kelc's and then to cruise, then out there again..adn then back home..and yeah it was alot of fun. and then we went and got lyndsey, and went crusing. and then we took her home, and we went back to kelci's. and we just kinda crashed. today she brought me home around 9, and i went to sleep again, and woke up around, 12? and im about to go swimming with Lauren and we're gonna go out to eat and everything..so yeah. im gonna go. laaaaaaaaaaaater. xoxo, ash. ♥
Read 15 comments
bout damn time you hooch!!! dammnnn!!! whore! hehe... well anywho.. i freaking love you.. a loot... yeah you hurd! :-)

damn girl!!! sounds like you were flipping busy.. but i freaking love you!

This Is Gonna Sound Weird But Will U Leave Rasclegurl08 A Comment 'Cause She Has Her'z Where Only Her Friendz Can Comment And Tell Her That My New Chapter Is ^ And I'm Swrry It Took So Long And That I'd Like 2 Start Talkin 2 Her Again? Could U Please? Thankz!!!!
thanks for that message!!! lol ly2 lol miss talking to ya..i'm grounded from aim cuz i got my report card and it wasnt' that good!!! mmmm...lol yeah

Awwww Thank U Soooo Much!!!! By The Way I Like Ur Diary But LoL Thankz That Was Very Kind Of U :)
Thankz :) It'z Set Around My Story :)
your layouts wayyy cuute..i love it

Mel x0x0
i'll be ungrounded really soon thats why i gotta go cuz if i get the dishes done by the end of today..then yeah i'll probably be ungrounded from the computer anyway...lol yeah..well she lets me on like for 5 mineute pds when..yeah anyway..bye
haha...yeah wait til' it gets up to 25 feet long, then you'll really love it! :)
and about the my cousin Travis, i have to go get my camera from my sisters house, and then i'll load it on here!..so yeah!...haha i told him you were in love with him, and he was like i dont even know her!...:P

Well i'll ttyl..love you!
dude ashley

let's do it

right now

Uhhh, i mean...


i love you


Yeah Travis is a loser, i think he has short term memory loss..but i'll be sure to make him remember you!!! :)

love you!!!
you sure dont update very much anymore!!! ugh!!!

do you make your kick ass layouts?! they are soo effing pretty
ugh!!!! UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!
UPDATE ASHLEY! lol. I need to know about your life. EVERY SINGLE THING! I sound like a stalker. Kinda freaky:-/ lol

Love you,