| 31 | Time for an update

Listening to: the cat in the hat
well i havent wrote in this thing for a while..so let me start off from monday. Monday i went with Lauren to eat at Subway, and then we went swimming at the pool. and there wasnt like anyone there. and so we called Nathan and told him to come, but he wouldnt. and so yeah. and Jimmy was there, and dang i wanted to just go shoot him. and then we hung out with some little kids, Alisha(elizabeths lil sis) and some of her friends..and then went and saw Angel and Jeff and all them at the concessions stands. so that was fun. and then Lauren had to take me home arund 4 because i had to go to Empora to watch my sister dance that night..for dance camp. and so i went home, took a s hower and everything, and we left around 5:25. and we got there around 6:15. it didnt last that long..till about 7. then me and my mom went and ate at Papa John's pizza. it was awesome. and then we headed home. and lauren calle dme, and then i called her back when i got home, and we were gonna go out to the ballparks, biut we decided not too. so that was fun. and then later, i FINALLY got texted by that one boy..so thats fun. and nathan also called me. and then i went to bed around 1:45? Tuesday i did absolultly nothing almost all day long. i went with Kelc at aroun 2, and we went to wellsville because we wanted to see theri nice small pool that they have. lol and then we came back to town., and she took me home..and then around...6 i went to Gardner for a family thing. that was boring. i was the only kid there. boring. and then we left around 8, and i went to the ballparks when i got back from there. and i hung out with Lynds, and Megan. and Nate called me, and he came out there for a while. i talked to erik on the phone forever! it was alot of fun. we talked about alot of good times from back in the day. lol. lyndsey took me home around...10 something..and i tlaked to erik on the phone when i got home, till about 11:30.. and then i went to bed around 12 or 1 something. yesterday i woke up around 10:30 something, and came downstairs, ate alittle something, and then my mom brought me home some money, and kelc came and got me, and we went to lawrence. we ate at Longhorn and then went to American Eagle to shop. i got a pair of jean shorts, some comfy white shorts, and a pink tank top, and a pink tee shirt. they are adorable. and then we came home. and then i went back to lawrence to get my cousin becca because she is spendinfg the night with me, and we went and ate at longhorn again1! aha it was awesome. and then we came home, and went to the ballparks. we talked to erik forever, and then went and visited lynds, and talked to Angel and Carlos. and the my mom came and picked me up, and we left. i got to drive home. yaye. well thats about it. i love you allll. laaaaaaaaater. xoxo, ash. ♥ EDIT: I just got back from Emporia. i woke up at about, 8 this morning and headed up there. and last night someone called me from unknown like 23 times. cute. and so we watched jenn dance, and shit, and then she got all american! it was awesome. and then we went out to eat, and now we're at home. and later i am going to Becca's house in Lawrence. so i will talk to you later.
Read 10 comments
i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, I LOVE YOU!!!!!

you get the idea! :)...haha
hey girl hows it goin..i'm talkin to you on im rite now...lol isnt' that funny...lol bye
i really do think you're sexy. DEAD sexy.
hey, i am in love with your diary.
aww thanks a bunch..ur great girlie...ly too!!! I love my diary...i love the sayin to..its soo AMAZIN....lol
ly bunches and bunches
hey girly, yeah i know you do!!! and i love you, but you leave comments on my Xanga more than on my sitdiary...you're the bestest!!!

how did you get your comments thing on the left and the lines in your writing to be so close together?
oh ok. how do you do a heart, i forgot... haha.
damn. you're hot.

lyndsey kate