| 13 | finally feels like summer..

Feeling: angelic
well, i havent wrote in a while, ive been kinda busy..well not really. but anyways.. so saturday night me and tay went to the movies, and we saw madagascar. it was so cute! and then we came home, and we stayed up till around 2, and then around 4 i got some text messages, and so i was up till like 5..and then i got up at 8, and went to church with tay. and then came home, and i went swimming with lyndsey around 2. that was really fun. Erik was there too, and he was running away from me. and we were all playing volleyball in the water. the water was freezing though. and then after we went swimming, we went back to lyndsey's..and i spent the night over there. we stayed up till like 2. and i got another text message at 4! yesterday i got woke up at like 8:30 from megan having to tell me her dream, but i went back to bed, and then woke up at 11, and she told me her dream then, lol it was weeeeeeird. lol and then me and lynds went to the pool..and it was FREEEZING. and so i didnt get in very much, but i layed out..and now i am really burnt..and so i talked to this one boy for like an hour in texting..so that was fun. and then we went home around 3:30. and we went to my house, and then megan came over, and we went to pizza hut, and that slut was there, so we didnt go until later, and megan spilled her drink, it was hilarious! haha and so we justr moved tables. our waiter sucked ass. and so then we came home, and we took lynds home, and went and got gas and went and hung out at the park for a while with sheldon, truyn, brad, chelsea, erica, and some other people. and then cole came over later, and lauren stayed the night too..and it was alot of fun! today i just woke up, and megan just left..i dont know what i am doing yet today..so i will write back later. Brooke - Dude, i love you so much babe. i miss talking you because i havent in so long! you really need to get on, or call me or something! I love you slut! Retard - I love you so much! this saturday and sunday are gonna be sooo fun! RALKASFE! Tara - I love you so much! your the best babe! I love you my shinning star! :-) well im out. peace out girl scout. ash.
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