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Listening to: bless the broken road
Feeling: warm
so yeah...i will just start off with what ive done since yesterday.. yesterday i woke up around 11, and then i went over to megans house. we went and picked up nic, and then we went and drove around, and we went adn saw benji and cole..and then we went to Carrie's house and she ended up going swimming with us. and so i went back to megans, and got my swimming suit, and we went to the city pool. i changed, and then went swimming. i hung out with Brooke, i love her. and then i seen Jordan, dang i love her too!! and so i talked with her, and then i layed out for a while..and around 3:30 i went home because i got really bored..and jimmy told me he wanted to come and hang out with me and brooke last night so whatever. and then i went home..watched some tv, and arund 5 went to the OU to watch the girls play basketball. that was exciting. they lost, and then i took nic to go drive, and i went to get katie. we drove around, and then went to the high school for thier nect games. they lost them too. and lauren played with brookes team, and she got hit and has this huge goose egg on her head. dang. and then they played..and brookes team lost thier first game ever. and Brooke got a technical, and was out for the whole freaking 2nd half. how freaking gay is that shit. and so after the games, we went to mcdonalds to eat, and then we went home. around 10:30 jimmy came over, and yeah i was really annoyed and he called me a slut so yeah i went and sat on my porch my byself and texted some different people. and yeah i hate him. oh well. and so after he left around 12 something, me and brooke went inside, and we went to bed at like around 2? today i got up at 8 and took brooke to camp, even though she was late. came home and slept till about 12. and then came downstairs and brooke was on the computer..so we went and got money from my dad, and then went to get gas, and then to brookes, and then to wendys to get food. and then i took brooke to the pool..so yeah.. tonight i am going to Paola with Tara to watch her softball games. that should be fuuuun! haha..and then im spending the night with her. so that should be a blast! so i will write back later. xoxo. ash.
Read 8 comments
i love you too babe
how have you been
i like ur background its beautiful...
CA CA CA .............................................................................................................................................. i love you ..................................................................................................................................... : D
Yea I do. Didnt I give it to you already?
Hey I saw you at the pool to, and you know I am not as awesome as you are... love ya
Hey. I picked out a skin... just anyone because i really couldnt find anything i liked. http://www.xanga.com/CLAF/skin.asp?share=91&type=d

Um... Is that the right thing?? If you could Email me or something to explain would help. my email is Lilluv70301@aol.com.
ive been fine just really fucking bored.
why the fuck did he call you that??
oh my, did you hear about kierston and jimmy?..i guess they made out, thats what Jeff said on kierstons comments in her diary...hmm

and he calls you a slut? he's been threw like 3 girls ever since y'all broke up...OH WELL, I LOVE YOU AND HE DOESNT MATTER :))