| 26 | yaaaa

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: angelic
lets start from yesterday ..i woke up around 9 something because i went to bed early the night before..and i waited around for Lyndsey to call me..because she was supposed to be coming over after she got done wtih volleyball camp. but she didnt end up getting home until around 11 something, she took a shower, adn then i went and picked her up, we just kinda sat around all day..and then we decided we would go cruise around town for a while..and we saw clint, and then we followed him..and then we all went and drove around forest park because it was flooded. lol it was hilarious!! and then we just kinda came home. around 5, we went and looked at the river, and then we went and rented two movies. we got the Notebook because my mom has never seen it, and then we got Thirteen. that movie is really differnet but its really good..and so after the movies, we just sat around some more, and then i took lynds home around 10. and i came home, and talked on aol. and then i went to bed around 12. today lyndsey called me at 10:50 and woke me up. and i have just been sitting around doing nothing waiting for her to call me so i can go get her and we can figure out what we are going to do today. i want to go swimming so maybe we will do that. well im gonna go, laaater. xoxo. ♥ ash.
Read 6 comments
I LOVE YOU ASHLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS YOU TONS

|Shooting Star|
yes we totally need to hang out again!! I had soo much fun too ashley! i love you sooooooooo friggon much. You're the greatest. I dont think I can take you to the games this thursday but maybe you can get a ride with someone else or whatever...yeah...you could always i dont know..haha i just love you!!

|Shooting Star|
I love your layout! Whered you get it?

& omg i love how it turns rainbow when you click it!!! How did u get that!? its sooo adorable!!
hehe but ughhh i dont can you try to give it in a comment by taking the spaces out..? Im really sorry...

u go to tech rite??