| 22 | I love Tara.

Listening to: you know me.
Feeling: angelic
well yesterday, me and tara sat around her house all day, until brandon showeed up, but i already told you all about that..and so we left Tara's house around, 6:45ish, and came to good ole' Ottawa! and we got here, and we went on a lil walk. it was fuun. lol we just talked about a bunch of shit..and then we came home.. later, nathen and asa came over, and we just sat and talked forever. Nathan had to be home by 12, so he had to leave early, and then asa stayed till like 12:45ish. it was alot of fun. and then me and tara went inside, and went to my room..had something to eat, and then we watched Boy Meets World and went to bed around 1:30. this morning all we did was get up around, 12:15..and then we went and got some food, took Carlos and Angel to get thier paychecks, and then to the high school..and me and tara came over and took showers, and then we went to the pool for a lil bit. it was freezing so we didnt stay very long. went and cruised around ottawa, saw some hott guy starin at me..dang. and then we came home..and we watched Day After Tomorrow..and then we took her home.. and now im sitting at home doing nothing.. tonight im going over to kelci's because i am working a concert with her tomorrow night...great fun. lyndsey is staying there with me too so i wont be so lonely, lol. but yeah. Tara - I love you so much babe. i dont know what i would do without you!! we are so much alike, and think so much alike. damn. lol thanks for everything babe! Retard - I seriously love you soo damn much! i dont know what i would do without you! Swallow Breathe! swallow breathe!! haha love you. well, im out. laaaaaaaaaaaater. xoxo, ash.
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Well i was just wondering becasuei dont have msn so thats why i was asking. My sn is Crazy ADHD Boy2