| 24 | Kelci's house

Listening to: she will be loved
Feeling: annoyed
so yesterday, after i took tara home..i came back to ottawa..and just sat around..and then my mom straightened my hair, and i went and got some sonic to eat..and then lyndsey called me..and we went adn drove out to Kelci's so her dad knew where Kelc lived. and then we came back..and went to lyndseys for a while. then kelci showed up, and we went to rent movies, and we rented meet the fockers, and the goonies. and so we got to kelci's...and started watching meet the fockers. and right when that movie got over, we put in the goonies, and then keith and his friend Matt showed up. fun. and so yeah. and then we watched meet the fockers again because they wanted to, and then they left, and kelci decided she didnt like keith anymore and so she broke up with him. i talked to krysten for about an hour last night through texting..and found out some cute shit, and then texted that one boy, and found out some more cute shit. and then i went to bed at around..1? woke up this morning at aruond, 9:30 because we were supposed to go and help set up for the concert tonight, but its an outside concert so we didnt have to becasue it was raining and they moved it inside. so thats fun. and then we came back to kelci's..and then we went back to town, and went to kramers for her to get some CD's. and then she brought me home. Now i am just getting ready for megan to come and get me because shes going to get a tattoo today. and im going with her. and then around 3? i am going to nail citi and i am getting a pedicure. then i am coming home, and around 5:30 i am going to the OMA for the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band concert tonight. that should be fun. ha not. well i will write back later. laaaaaaaaaater.. xoxo, ash.
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NOOO YOU MAKE ME MELT!!..haha, i love you to death! :)...and about those interesting things..i should be on tonight so you gotta fill me in!..LOVE YOU BUNCHES!..byez

I love you babe! I'm sorry about "that one boy". Don't even worry about him. He's not worth your time seriously. You deserve better than that. Like me! You know I want you!

aw your diary is so cute.