| 12 | Last day of school!

Feeling: angsty
okay, so today was the last day of school. lets just say it wasnt the most exciting day. because i was already in a horrible mood from last night... so this morning, jimmy came in the cyclone room, and i went up to him, and was like, so why exacatly did you break up with me? and hes like, i felt like i wasnt good enough for you. i was like omg wow are you kidding me. and i just walked away from him. and in first hour since i dont have my phone, i took cole's, and texted him, and asked him about all this, and he said he still liked me and shit..and yeah. and then at break, i heard he went to kierstons when we wre still going out. how cute? and so i told megan to ask him about that, and he said yeah he did. and so yeah. and then i guess pennie was going to be all over him today so that i would break up with him, but he broke up with me already so. and i guess she was all over him today. cute. oh well. i dont even fucking care anymore. he can like whoever he wants to like. im not here to say who he should and shouldnt like. so tonight i went to 8th grade promotion with meg and lynds. it was fun. about 800 ppl stood in front of me and took pics. cute. and then i went and gave ppl thier roses, and went home. watched ending of american idol. CARRIE WON!!! yaye! and then went to lynds's to get her stuff. and now we're here watching tv. so i will talk to you later. peace out girl scout. Ash.
Read 6 comments
omfg. some people are so fuckin gay and mean to you!! fuckin niggers!!!

kk good.
No problem :)))
I'm so mad at you! You didnt take 1 picture with me, you bitch! You hurt me. I was looking all around for you. But noooo, Ashley left without me. THANKS!

Ok i added you.
where is the "if looks could kill" from?! i've been wondering for some time! please tell me!