i go out with an 8th grader

Feeling: blank
AHHHHHH well I go out with Ashley howoll now………….. she might not be in the same grade as me but its ok. Big mike is going 2 take me over her house and the awesome part is she lives pretty close 2 me and she’s within 10mins from my house close to main street so its cool I will come 2 visit her every so often because I can walk 2 her house cool for me man. And she is really nice and she’s not psycho straight edge and not a cutter the most normal girl I had so far I cant wait 2 see her 2 day.~~~~!!!~!~!~~!!!!
Read 2 comments
Wheee, I'm happy for you, you coupled person. :o)

I looooooooooooooooove your layout.
Jack rocks! :oD My best friend would love you forever if she saw you had him as your background.

We haven't got our Christmas tree up yet, thank fuck...but I don't actually mind the tree, in fact I like it. But that's the only part of Christmas I do like. It's something about the smell. Hrmm. I hate aeguing family and stuff, though. Grrrr.
