well whats up im bored in computer apps every one around me is doing work im siting her typing. Well for the past week i havent had a computer at home becuse of the fight i had with my mom. im suspost to get it back today when i get home and were going to have a "talk".... w/e thats what i say i will just block her out the whole time i dont care just as long as i get my computer back there wont be any issues so i dont care ohya did i mention that i got a new computer thats BETTER THAN KYLES!!!! AND MIKE SPAWN!!! HAHAHAH
but anwyays, i love your art. lol...it's so cool! it remind me on the guy that does invader zim, but i'm pretty sure it's not him. it just looks like his....a little. anyways, it's really cool.
I HATE PARENTS. All of em. Particularily the ones who try to get you to treat thier new spousses like your father or mother, and diss your biological father or mother. You can't replace a parent, its impossible, selfish, annoying and offensive. Parents are lame asses. Reargh.
--lauren (xxfukedxupxx) (and that sux about ur computer...parents suck)
Read Entry called: "DAMN CAMERA!!!"
Dude you can still trust me with your shit! I don't know what happened! Hope you can get your shit back! ACCIDENTAL YA BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!