welp another day of fun yesterday we had a bomb threat FUN FUN FUN WOOOHOOO it was insane it was like a big fucking party in the fucking parking lot man it was fucking great there was music playing booming away people playing basketball and a few fights.. then i tryed to leave school and i did and i might have 5 more days of spring break (out of school supension) oh yes and then this morning i woke up go shower got ready for school and was ready to go out the door and my sister said she wasent going to school today i was like ok BITCH!!!!!!! so i called my friend mike and was like take me to school and i will let you use my sisters parking pass but by the time he picked every one up we had missed half of first period so we just went to McFats in the fatmobile with the fat crew oh yes we got to school and now the days starting to go normal
Are we gonna have any parties this year. I think we desperately need one. You know im right. Later
1. how do you make it so when you put your cursor on a link it makes that cool fade effect.
2. how do you have those spining words around a cursor.
3. how do you have that box that pops up when you enter your diary... ughh... i feel so pethetic, illl go kill myself, anyways, answer those please
~JTHM rules~