
I wonder if he realizes how much not telling me what is wrong hurts. I wonder if he's punishing me for that one day when I pretended about something. Is it so hard to let me in? He's told me today that its not me. That I shouldn't take his attitude on myself. I'm trying to be a good, caring girlfriend. Why won't he just let me? I know he knows that I love him, that I trust him. I just don't want to be left in the dark. I want him to understand that whatever it is that's going on, considering we are a couple, we should be able to face it together, but that can only happen when he lets me in and tells me what is wrong. I guess I'm just used to my girlfriends, who tell me everything. Maybe I'm wrong to try to get him to tell me what's wrong, but can you really fault me for wanting to know what is upsetting my boyfriend? For some reason, I doubt it. Part of me just wants to break it off, tell him he's lost me forever because he can't ever open up to me. But then I remember the things he's said he would do if that ever happened. He's said that it would break his heart, that he would go home and just sit in his room and cry. I don't know if that's true, but I'm too tender-hearted to do anything that would cause him pain. Who knows. The other part of me is still holding out that he will open up to me and tell me what's wrong. And its hoping that everything will be alright. I tried to just put my arms around him just the way I have plenty of other times, and he just stood there. Arms at his side. Cold and unresponsive. It hurt, but what can I do? Nothing. I can just be there. I think I'm going to try to be like this tomorrow too, see what he does, what happens.
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If there's one thing I've learned from guys.. it's that if they want to talk, they'll talk to you. They're not like girls who drop subtle hints and want people to read their minds and thoughts when something is wrong and come talk to them and ya da ya da. Just be there for him if he needs you... and keep your chin up!