
You know those times when your friends are having issues and you know there's basically nothing you can do to help them, other than be a shoulder for them to cry on? Those are the times that make me feel so useless, because even though maybe they just need that shoulder, I feel like I should be doing something else; something proactive. Something to help them. But what can one do for a friend who's parents have started to hurt her emotionally because of one mistake she made? What can you do for a friend who is clingy when it comes to boys, however oblivious to the fact she may be, and she gets angry at you because you are the one the guys are attracted to, if even for just the short time they are attracted to you, especially if you don't like them back? What can you do for the friend who is everyone's shoulder to cry on, who refuses to let her own tears flow on account of how she was treated in her childhood by her family? What do you do for the friend who complains about all their classes, the fact that they are failing one for the first time, and the fact that they are blaiming another teacher because they have missed school for that other class? What do you do for the friends you wish you could do something for, but they won't let you in, won't even let you be a shoulder for them to cry on? What can you do to not feel so useless? What do you do to feel like they know you're there for them? What do you do when they hold back every bit of emotion? What do you do when you feel like there's nothing you can do?
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you pray
you love them.... give them something to hold on too. you cry with them and wait... trust them and they'll trust you. a friend is measured by love.
I'm trying... I'm trying to let them in... pray
damn! i know how that feels like dude. yep yep. it sucks, being so useless. it really does.