
Why can't people be happy without ruining the happiness of others?! Why can't people find happiness in things they can you and can have, and not in thingsthey want and are jealous of someone else having?! AHHHHHHH! Why can't people NOT try to ruin other's lives!!!!!!! On top of that I have a friend who's life is falling down the tubes finacially and mentally. It's wonder she's still standing, but even on top of tat she's smiling! Every oneis simply making life hard to deal with because I can't be happy when my friends are sad and I just wish that people would stop trying to hurt each other. I know I can't do anything about my second's friend's problem except be there for her if she needs me, but why can't people just get along?! Why can't people tell the truth? Why do they have to lie about things only to save themselves? Don't they realize it hurt others? Why are people so selfish? I just wish that people could forget about their own wants, especially when it's for reasons that only imply sexually related topics that teenagers shouldn't even be thinking about until we are graduated. We are in high school! How would you like to have to tell your future husband or wife that the only thing that occupided your mind in high school was sex and making out with the closest boy to your body? HONESTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is the matter with you guys! Most of you are barely sixteen! What is wrong with our society today?! Why can't we be moral and kind? What is so hard about that? -Myth
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trust me when i say that your friends appriacate you being there for them especially when they feel like most of their friends are deserting them ciao
told you earlier about what? ugg... thanks for being there... i love you!
wowww. my mom would LOVE you. [sigh] all that is true, i know. and we know its wrong, yet we still do it. yep. i say this alot: ppl are fucking stupid. not all of them i must add.. but sadly, this is how life is :[