I want a romantic boyfriend.
I asked him to visit me today since I've been sick for a while but he refused and then got angry at me for asking.
I always get him little cards and make paper clips into hearts and leave them in his bed... but he never does that anymore. He used to write me love letters. Why do people stop making an effort once they're all well established in their relationships? Its like; impress each other until it doesn't matter anymore and you can get away with looking fucking horrible and not bothering to take a shower.
I still get butterflies in my tummy when I see him. I still spend hours getting ready and changing my clothes fifty times until I look perfect.
I never bother wearing perfume when I'm not going to see him.
He's only fucking attentive when we're alone, or when we have sex.
Screw fucking sex. It should be illegal. Its wonderful and everything, but it just complicates things.
And I -told- you sex complicated things. You remember our little talk? Yeah, I love being right. =P