Listening to: sublime
Feeling: torn
Hey its sooo cool i just found out that me and cassidy are on the same flight to sacramento!! So we are gunna sit next to eachother(obviously)! well yea not much has happend... i went to my shrink today and she said she was worried about me... hmm okay then. well yeah my life is boring but i will soon be leaving to an even more boring place on the 25th! yuck! (well cass we definatly should hang out cuz u need to save me from my dads house and all the wierd people that live around him.) Well i though katie was mad at me but it turns out she wasnt. Thats good good, but uhh yeah i am going to a show on the 24th cuz i guess a whole lot of bands are playing.. i dont know who cuz im a looser like that. I hope its a good show cuz it will be the last one of my summer cuz i am going to my dads house like i have said about 3 times now. OHH yea i fixed my computer well it wasnt really broken but it might have well been. It was really slow and i couldnt go onto websites most of the time and it would freeze every second... no kidding!! but i deleted like 43526556536543233 things off my computer that i didnt need/want/knew i had and yeah and i com-pac-ted files...? i didnt know what it would do but it sounded cool so i did and it made more room on my computer so i am happy and i got onto the internet and i am on a website so yay! well this time i actually wrote a lot so i wont bore u anymore!! luvs <>
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thank you kassie i love you soo much. you are my savior. thanks for the poopy news on solemite. i e-mailed aj asking whats the deal and chris from army of freshmen and told him to find out for the both of us. i want to cry kind of . those guys were really i liked them. but i love you so much for making it pretty. i dont know if i should use that photo though.......should i? well i can i spend the night saturday cuz the show. ill call you later-kt
mmm that sounds like fun, leaving and all... however, i will miss you soo fucking much, any who, i love you kassie!