{94} Your the only place that feels like home

Listening to: Fall out boy
So um ya.. im so bummed right now. its like i leave for three weeks and everyone has changed on me. Apparently my best friend and i arent friends anymore. um that was a big surprise. But im kind of learning to live with that. But tonight im going skating... like for the first time in over 3 months. I hope thats fun. I usually feel better after i go. But um i got some pictures from my grampa from when justine and i were in sacramento. Those were fun to look at. I only got like one copy tho.. so i might have to be all smooth and scan them. But ya Shinky is gonna stay at my house from the 5 to the 7th. Eeeps i cant remember the last time she was at my house. But it will be fun were gonna go thrifting and to the fair like everyday. so ya. im supposed to be cleaning my room but i look over and the computer is on so i go and sit down. haha so i need to get back to that. bye bye ♥
Read 3 comments
hey your diary is realllllly cute i love it
i know
A lot can change in 3 weeks, and not really towards the better side of the spectrum. Who aren't you friends with anymore?
