Well yes. Last night justine, brooke, and myself went to a hxc show. haha whoahh. k haha. i just hope those kids... the ones who were hardxcore dancing look back and laugh... as much as i did last night. Because it really made me feel a lot better about myself. haha. jeeesh. But ya... besides Justine almost getting cut in half by a table and a little dancing freak.. it was pretty fun. Umm i guess i hung out mostly with justine.. and then corey.. ya. That kid is fuuuny. But umm..ya. Then i spent the night at justines house. We had a photo shoot. In her hallway mirror. Ya. We put red lipstick on and then took pics. There soo flippin' funny. But ya umm thats about it. Im not doing anything today.. ya. Oh i got a new anti-virus and firewall. Yay maybe i can keep this computer longer than 2 months. hah just maybe. alright thats all for now. Later

haha can u say crack...?


kisses?? nahhh
Grab, grab, GRAB THE CHANGE!! Thats seriously what that little dance move is called. I just remembered, James told me when we were at the Loft a long time ago. Its called change-grabbing. Or was it Aaron who told me? I don't remember but yeah. Lmao. Okay so we are too cool for ourselves.