Welp, this weekend weeny and i went to carp... And i loved it. I think i had a better time than her. Although she was very thrilled with the 99 cent store. Hah. Well i havent been back to carp in a long time. I miss it soo much. We did find some pretty cool glassies. Well I saw this really hott guy, that i used to talk to when i was 5. It was really weird. We ate some pizza at giovannis, and we went to the beach. It was really good pizza, but as we were leaving, A guy in the back yelled "Papito" at us.. Which we found out today means Daddy. Ya! hah n e who... Um i took some pics at the beach... and then we missed the bus. Weeny's mother picked us up in her motorized vehicle, powered by gasoline. Hah k u got that Justine. And then we went to her house, and watched New York minute. Haha it was cheezyy. But ya thats all. I didnt do n e thing today. Ughh school tomorrow. Ohh Happy may first. K thats all for now, but heres some pics from Carp. Enjoy!
Weeny and our glassies

The mountains

Some pretty flowers i saw

The beach

don't even worrryyy about it. you just have a hard time seeing the obvious sometimes. thats why its up to me to point 'em out :) :).
i saw the postal service and that's what it made me think of.
i have the same exact glasses as yours
and i have the white ones with dimonds on the side. take that
love you