
i tried smoking was alright, ashley and i are going to smoke together sometimes, but i dont think i could smoke a she said i have to try pot :S lol
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yeah, i hated that class
hi, I really like your background. did you draw it??
Rachel!!!! What are you doing? Don't start smoking, that's so gross, your teeth will turn yellow and you will smell like ass. And pot? Think about Elayna and how she's always stoned, is that what you want? Wow, I sound like a mom, I'm sorry. I just dont want icky things to happen to you because you're my friend and i love you!
I could if I really tried, but it would take about 5 years for me to finish
Ditto on the cowgirl one. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray....woot
Hrm. I want to try a puff (or two) of a cigarette, but I do not want to have either an entire one or even two. That's just disgusting.

I could never get hooked on a cigarette...but...maybe it tastes good. Does it?

♥/ /chelly ♥
aw sweet man, lung cancer rocks! What the hell are you thinking?